The Nintendo 3DS is by far the most popular purely handheld console of all time. First-party and third-party developers alike created so many games on it that it was practically impossible to ignore for any gaming fan.
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With over one thousand three hundred games released for the console, it's not always easy to know which games to pick up and try. Those who want the most entertainment for their gaming buck will want to make sure the game offers maximum hours of content for them to play through.
10 One Piece: Romance Dawn - 69 ½ Hours

With One Piece having over nine-hundred thirty episodes during its run as an anime it may come as no surprise that a game from the franchise might take a while to beat. It covers the story of the anime and manga from Luffy's early adventures through the battle at Marineford. It's a strong anime RPG for anyone that is a fan of Eiichiro Oda's most famous work.
9 Animal Crossing: Wild World - 70 Hours

Animal Crossing's first outing on the 3DS took fans of the series by storm. It was the first game to be released in the franchise since the GameCube. With wifi connectivity, there were countless new features and possibilities to explore. While full completionists will find the game is incredibly long, folks looking to get through what could loosely be described as the main story of the game takes quite a while.
8 Story Of Seasons - 71 ½ Hours

Once known as Harvest Moon, the Nintendo 3DS was the home of the first release of Story of Seasons in the United States. The game was incredibly popular, selling over one million copies. Who knew restoring a dilapidated farm would so much fun?
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With how many hours fans pour into Stardew Valley, it may come as no surprise that this farming-styled game takes a while to play through. It's a perfect game to keep players glued to their consoles until they get all the way through.
7 Dragon Quest VII: Fragments Of The Forgotten Past - 73 Hours

RPGs tend to be longer games to get through, and those found in the Dragon Quest franchise are no exception. While this game was originally released for the PlayStation One, this remake proved to be popular with fans and made it much easier for people to try the game as the original was released thirteen years prior. Just try beating all of the side quests in this game quickly!
6 Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 - 75 Hours

An expanded version of Monster Hunter Tri, this game contained all of the complexity the series is known for while adding on even more content for players to explore. They even reintroduced G Rank for those who wanted to conquer extremely difficult monster fights. It's a strong title that is still fun to pour hours into today.
5 Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning - 76 ½ Hours

Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning brought along loads of new customization features to the series. Being able to extensively personalize everything from the character to the village the game takes place in could take enough time as it is — then it's time to get into the gameplay. Add in the ability to play in non-region locked multiplayer mode and this game has tons to offer anyone that picks it up.
4 Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - 78 ½ Hours

Fans of the series had to have been happy they purchased a 3DS when Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate was announced. Even more of the content fans of the franchise loved with fierce battles to get through kept fans focused on their screens with their thumbs flying.
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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate even allowed players to wield the Master Sword. Taking down Teostra while dressed as Link was magical and finishing the game felt just as special.
3 Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 82 ½ Hours

We all will be forever thankful for the game that brought Isabelle into our lives. Not everyone put over three thousand five hundred hours into the game like Grandma Audry but those that played through New Leaf certainly adored everything it has to offer. Fill up the museum and get a perfect town of fuzzy friends — it's absolutely worth every moment.
2 Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate - 83 Hours

Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate has sold more than eight million copies worldwide for a good reason. This Game Awards nominee was praised by reviewers for its wide breadth of content and fans found it easy to agree. Even speedruns of the game take an incredibly long time. So for the average player, this game will definitely keep them entertained in the long run.
1 Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - 108 Hours

Dragon Quest VIII was so immensely popular it even got a full mobile phone version produced ten years after its initial release. Part of its popularity was just how many hours of entertaining gameplay it provided. One reviewer even said the game rivaled Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in terms of content. Anyone that decides to explore the kingdom of Trodain will surely not regret it.