Sunday, 07 March 2021 18:35

Riot Addresses Why Infinite FFA Mode Isn't in Valorant Yet

Written by Nicholas Pace
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Riot gives some insight for fans as to why an infinite free for all deathmatch mode is not in Valorant yet, despite the team working on it.

Riot has explained why an infinite free for all mode is not in Valorant yet. The team is working on a special version of FFA for Valorant, but needs some more time before releasing it.

The shooter by Riot has been making waves in the multiplayer community since its release. As one of the best hero shooter alternatives to Overwatch or Apex Legends, Valorant adds its own unique charm to the genre. While these games will occasionally have a deathmatch mode, these typically are shorter experiences with a victor at the end. Some fans have been clamoring for a longer or infinite version for Riot's title, and it sounds like it is in the works.

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Principal Producer Jared Berbach states that there are a few different reasons why the mode is not coming to the game soon. When looking at the current FFA deathmatch option in Valorant, the fanbase is already playing a lot. Berbach explains that while the population here is smaller than other modes, the players are committing to engaging with it. This covers a segment of gamers who prefer the short, quick style of FFA with a defined winner. However, Riot is looking to expand the group and boost satisfaction overall.

However, to create an infinite version of the game mode requires changing up the tech behind Valorant. Berbach mentions how the current model does not allow players to join in mid match. The code in the title needs edits to check for gamers seeking a match in progress. Since this is necessary to maintain a long running or infinite FFA, Riot is developing the necessary methods. Due to the complexity of recoding the deathmatch mode, there is no specific time frame for releasing an infinite version.

Some fans will likely be pleased to hear about the special FFA mode. Apparently, this model is great for those just looking to warm up or try out new characters like Astra in Valorant. Having a specific location for players to mess around in should improve the quality of more serious matches. Despite it demanding development time from Riot, Berbach states that it will be worth the wait when it finally comes to the game.

On the other hand, those enjoying the main modes might feel as though this is a unnecessary use of time. Rather than working on a low stakes practice zone, the team could focus on making new content or fixing game breaking bugs in Valorant. Plus, it is already clear that the population playing FFA deathmatch is smaller than the rest, so this version is tailored toward the minority. That said, those looking forward to infinite FFA will need to wait longer to see if it meets expectations.

Valorant is available now on PC.

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Source: Dexerto

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