Sunday, 07 March 2021 18:15

Sea Of Thieves: Every Type Of Cannon Ball & How To Use Them

Written by Payton Lott
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Sea of Thieves players can use a variety of cannonballs to defeat their enemies. Here's a look at each one and how to use them.

Naval warfare is a principal element of Sea of Thieves gameplay. Players new to the game will realize how important it is to master firing cannons in a battle, especially in the solo sloop. It is imperative that sailors seeking out enemy crews understand the different types of cannonballs and how they should be utilized.

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The list below may seem long, but cannon ammunition can be grouped into three categories. The first includes the four types of cannon ammunition in the base game. The second is cursed cannonballs. The cursed cannonballs do not damage ships. Instead, each cursed cannonball has an effect that lasts for a short time if it hits an enemy vessel. The last type of cannonballs are the ghost cannonballs, of which only the wraith cannonball differs from the base cannonballs. Below are all of the cannonballs in the game, grouped by type.

At the beginning of a voyage, players will often only have regular cannonballs to load into their cannons. Despite what many think, the base cannonballs are powerful enough to take down any ship. When using the cannon, sailors need to take into account the direction and speed of their ship and the enemy ship before firing. The cannonball obeys the basic laws of physics to some extent, so pirates will have to lead their targets. However, many sailors do not know that the cannonball will travel through waves without a damage or speed reduction. Players do not need to aim above waves to hit enemy ships. The cannon will bob up and down in the waves, and players do need to account for the sway. Additionally, wind will not effect the flight path of a cannonball either. while it would be nice to have the more powerful cannonballs, the standard cannonball is all players need to sink enemy ships.

Unlike the base cannonball and chainshot, firebombs can be thrown and used in cannons. On impact, firebombs will explode and set players and ships on fire. It will take more than one firebomb to sink an enemy ship. However, the weapon will force opposing crews to deal with fire as well as water on their vessel.

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The chainshot is a special type of cannonball that is more effective when hitting the mast or sails of a ship. As a result, pirates need to aim much higher when using the cannonball.

The blunderbomb is essentially a shotgun shell loaded into a cannon. On impact, the bomb will shoot smaller blunderbuss pellets in all directions. The ammunition is best used when trying to take down pirates and it is not very useful when trying to damage a ship.

When hit with the Grogball, enemy players will be instantly inebriated. For several seconds, enemy players will have camera blur and will sway from side to side uncontrollably. The Grogball is one of the weakest cursed cannonballs, but it will make fighting difficult for enemies before its effects wear off.

Vessels hit with a ballastball will begin taking on water rapidly. Crews should use the ballastball right after hitting a ship with a few cannonballs. The ballastball will force enemy teams to scramble before their inevitable demise.

The limpball will slow player movement, and make it difficult for opponents to traverse their ship. While disabling enemy movement can be quite effective, the movement effect will only stay active for a few seconds.

Players hit by the wearyball will take a nap in the middle of a ship battle. The wearyball will automatically make enemy characters perform the sleep emote for several seconds. The cursed cannonball is extremely effective if used after putting holes in an enemy ship. By the time the pirates wake up, their ship will be at the bottom of the sea.

The jigball is essentially the same as the wearyball, except players will be forced into the dance emote for a few seconds. Like the wearyball, the jigball is best used against damaged ships.

Sailors struck by the venomball will experience the same inhibiting effects of being bit by a snake. The venomball is one of the least used cursed cannonballs, as its effects are easy to recover from.

The anchorball will immediately drop the anchor of an enemy ship. Additionally, the back of the boat will be covered in smoke for a short period. However, all opposing sailors have to do to counteract the cannonball is drop and lift their anchor.

When hit with a peaceball, a ship's cannons are raised and covered in smoke, making it difficult for crews to return fire. Ironically, the peaceball is one of the better-cursed cannonballs  in pvp. Enemy ships will be immobilized and pirates can sink them in short order.

Helmballs can be used to prevent enemy crews from steering their ship. For several seconds, the wheel on a ship hit with the helmball will be fixed, and sailors will not be able to change direction. The cannonball is best used when attempting to sink enemy ships without boarding.

Much like the anchorball, the rigging ball will raise the sails of enemy ships and abruptly stop the momentum of the vessel. Players should not use the riggingball on skeleton ships, with already have raised sails.

The barrelball is essentially useless. The cursed cannonball will prevent sailors from accessing suppy barrels for a short time. Most pirates will have everything they need for a fight in their inventory.

These cannonballs are just re-skins of the basic cannonball and firebomb. The flame and phantom cannonballs will travel at the same speed and incur the same amount of damage on opposing vessels.

The wraith cannonball is the only ghostly cannonball that differs from the standard cannonballs. Wraith cannonballs operate like miniature gunpowder barrels that explode on impact. In any fight, the wraith cannonballs are better than most of the cannonballs in the game and will sink enemy ships with ease.

NEXT: 10 Tips For Conquering The Seas Solo In Sea Of Thieves

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