March 2021 is turning into a very interesting month for Harry Potter Wizards Unite players and fans. The mobile game didn't post its usual calendar of events at the end of last month and, as it turns out, there was a very good reason. The devs are busy fighting some serious bugs right now and are putting any major events on hold until some serious fixes are in place. That means that the usual two-part Brilliant Event, Community Day, and Adversaries Events are all to be determined at this point.
Luckily, there are some smaller events rolling out to give Harry Potter Wizards Unite players something to do while they wait for the impending patch that will hopefully resolve the current issues. The first spotlight event arrived last week, but now a second mini-event is already underway. The new event gives players a chance to celebrate International Women's Day in the mobile AR game by collecting some very exciting and popular Foundables during the short event.
RELATED: Harry Potter Wizards Unite - Why Isn't There A March Events Calendar?
Unfortunately, there will not be any timed tasks and rewards, which means that this event isn't going to result in a new bundle of DADA Books for players to burn through. That said, there are still some popular Foundables up for grabs, so players can likely make good use of the event today and tomorrow before it wraps up...

March 8th, 2021 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time through March 9th, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Increased sightings of the following Foundables:
Young Ginny Weasley
Young Hermione Granger
Young Luna Lovegood
Angelina Johnson
Parvati Patil
Portrait of Helga Hufflepuff
Portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw
Pomona Sprout
Professor McGonagall
Because there is no list of tasks and rewards for players to worry about, there isn't a whole lot of planning or strategy players need to think about heading into this early week event. It wouldn't hurt to review Registry pages and figure out which Foundables are the highest priority for a particular collection, but in general players should be able to just casually login and play however they would like throughout the short event.
Hopefully, late March will bring additional events with a lot more tasks for players to worry about with a coming two-part Brilliant Event, Adversary events, and of course another Community Day event, but that just depends on how long it takes for the patch to arrive. Fans of the game should stay tuned as more details about those events arrive and Game Rant is able to detail the full list of tasks and rewards for each of them in the coming weeks.
If any additional bonuses or rewards are revealed, we’ll be sure to post an update. Be sure to check back in the comings days for more Wizards Unite strategy guides, news, and updates. Until then, keep your wands at the ready!
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.
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Source: Wizards Unite Hub