Monday, 08 March 2021 14:45

Breath Of The Wild: How To Find & Tame A Stalhorse | Game Rant

Written by Callum Archer
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If you prefer your steed to be a bit more skeletal, you can tame a Stalhorse in Breath of the Wild. Here's how to find one and snag it.

Unlike past Zelda titles, Breath of the Wild offers players the chance to ride many unique horses, such as the Monster Horse, Royal Horse, and Epona so long as they can track them down and tame them before being bucked off. One such horse that is very different from any other horse in the game is the Stalhorse, an undead steed that takes design cues from the Stal enemies.

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Unlike regular horses, the Stalhorse can only be ridden during the night due to its Stal heritage and will fall apart once the sun rises in the morning. While the sun is down, however, it can be a pretty good horse all things considered, especially if Link is wearing the Radiant Armor set, which has the secondary effect of causing the Stalhorse to move faster while wearing it.

Like other unique horses, the Stalhorse can only be found in a select few locations, one of which being the Akkala region in the south of Hyrule. Players can find the Stalhorse roaming the wilderness between the Sarjon Bridge and Pagos Woods, to the west of the Floria River. There may be multiple horses near one another in the same area, so players need to be careful about not spooking one of them as it will cause all of them to flee in all directions. If the player has the Sheikah, Radiant, or Phantom Ganon sets, this can make sneaking up on a Stalhorse much easier, though they will also need to be careful about Stal enemies spawning around them, as they can spook a Stalhorse as well.

There are also several Stalkoblin riding Stalhorses in the area which can be shot from their mounts in order to take their horses, though the player may accidentally hit the horse instead so this isn't advised until they are a decent shot with a bow and arrow. This danger can be avoided if the Stasis Rune has been upgraded and allows its use on enemies, as this will cause the Stalkoblin to be frozen in the air while the horse runs off.

The second location where players can find a Stalhorse is in the complete opposite direction of the map, in the Hebra region in the northern corner of Hyrule. The easiest way to find this location is to fast-travel to the Qaza Toki Shrine and the North Lamei Labyrinth, or, if this location hasn't been traveled to yet, anywhere northeast of Rito Village in order to get the best head start. Unlike the Akkala region, the Hebra region is crawling with tough enemies, including a White Mane Lynel right near where the Stalhorse spawns, so it is recommended that players have a good understanding of combat before trying to find this particular horse.

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The Stalhorses appear in the narrowest region of the N. Tabantha Snowfield, just north of Snowfield Stable, usually being ridden by Stalkoblins near a Bokoblin encampment, though only in the evening. The same methods for forcing a Stalkoblin to dismount in Akkala can be used here, though it is much harder to run around the area unless the player has the Snow Boots that can be obtained in Gerudo Town, so trying to dodge a charging horse is a little more difficult.

In the Snowfield Stable, there is an NPC, Juannelle, who mentions that she has heard a rumor about a wild skeleton horse and really wants to see one for herself but, for some reason, can't stand to cold outside despite spending all of her time in the Tabantha region. Talking to this NPC will trigger the Stalhorse: Pictured! quest, which can be completed by taking a picture of any Stalhorse in the game, not just the one found in N. Tabantha Snowfield. Talking to her with a picture of a Stalhorse already in the Hyrule Compendium will end the quest as soon as it begins, with her thanking Link for showing her a Stalhorse and giving him a Silver Rupee for his trouble.

Unfortunately, like the mystical Lord of the Mountain, the Stalhorse can't be placed in a stable or given a saddle or bridle to wear. If the player tries to have a Stalhorse kept at a stable, the man in charge will claim that it is a monster and he is worried that it will eat the other horses if left alone. While players can't equip these horse with a saddle or bridle to improve its performance, if Link is wearing the full Radiant Armor set, found in Gerudo Town's Secret Club, it will move noticeably faster when galloping than if he were wearing any other armor and slightly makes up for not being able to summon a skeletal horse wearing an Ancient Saddle and Bridle at will.

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