Tuesday, 09 March 2021 03:20

Valheim Player Makes Incredible Notre Dame Recreation In-Game

Written by Brendan Dick
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Another talented Valheim player gives a taste of the architectural possibilities in-game with a life-like recreation of Notre Dame.

Valheim players will undoubtedly be familiar with the pride that comes from building their first respectable structure, and the crushing defeat felt when browsing through stunning buildings posted on the Valheim subreddit. Now, one player has presented another serious ego bruiser in the form of the Notre Dame cathedral built in-game.

Having released only last month, the growing list of architectural accomplishments is daunting. Most players began their adventures struggling to craft a basic house. Then, out of the blue, a talented fan stepped up and decided to lovingly recreate Sauron's Tower from the Lord of the Rings franchise, adorned with the flaming eye and all.

RELATED: Valheim: How to Build a House

Reddit user GIPv explained that the structure is largely held together by wood iron beams since they offer a higher weight capacity. The in-game Notre Dame started with the frame first. When GIPv decided that this lent a hollow appearance to the cathedral, they filled it in. With console commands enabled in Valheimplayers can fly around the map and have unlimited resources, making bases like this feasible.

As fans will also be aware, larger structures can cause Valheim's performance to tank. The Notre Dame, for its part, plummeted GIPv's frames per second almost into the single digits, and they even joked that their computer was smoking by the end of the process. While the actual size is difficult to discern, the in-game Notre Dame has a player placed on it for scale. Suffice to say, it's massive.

While GIPv's Notre Dame is intimidating to look at, they assured commenters that it is relatively achievable with the correct console commands enabled. The interior is supposedly not as intricate as the exterior suggests. After the frame was developed, GIPv took to simply reinforcing the structure on the inside with beams. Though the cathedral is just the latest in a slew of truly impressive building feats, it is one of the best examples of real-world locations come to life. Perhaps players will be looking to recreate the Colosseum or the Sydney Opera House next.

For players looking to match the latest in Valheim building achievements, their work is cut out for them. While would-be architects can eagerly await the new materials that are to be released in Valheim, those that struggle to put together even the most simple of houses can take to the seas and explore the ever-expanding world. There is an endless amount of ways to play ValheimThe only limit at this point is the fanbase's imagination.

Valheim is in Early Access for PC.

MORE: Valheim: How to Level/Flatten Ground

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