For those fans that played the Dark Souls franchise before having their first experience with Demon's Souls, it won't take long to realize just how influential this title was on its successor. Between the general tone and mechanics, there are a ton of similarities, and this extends to its weapons and items as well. Notably, one of the most iconic weapons in the history of Souls games found its origins here, albeit under a different name. Players can get the Large Sword of Moonlight, later called the Moonlight Greatsword in Dark Souls games, relatively early on if they are brave enough to face the Swamp of Sorrow.
Thanks to Demon's Souls' non-linear progression, it's possible that the Swamp of Sorrow will be the third area that players explore. The first one must always be the Gates of Boletaria, but beyond that players are free to choose which Archstones they want to tackle first. In the fifth Archstone, also called the Chieftan's Archstone, players will come across this infamous area after they defeat the Leechmonger boss.
RELATED: Demon's Souls - How to Get Firestorm
Once in the Swamp of Sorrow, players will need to progress through the level as normal until they reach two Giant Depraved Ones. These enemies are blocking the way forward to a fog door that leads to the rest of the level, but instead players will want to turn left and venture into the swamp. While avoiding the flying bugs, players should come across a ramp leading up that seems to be infested with slugs. Follow this path to find a nest that is either made of or full of slugs.

This nest is the source of the infinitely spawning slugs that players likely passed before. Whack it a few times and it will eventually fall to the swamp below. At this point, head back down the same way and return to this area with the slugs. There will be a huge number of enemies, so players will need to be careful, but clear them all out and a reward will be waiting. After defeating all the slugs (Firestorm works wonders here), the Large Sword of Moonlight is free to claim.
Like other iterations of the sword, the Large Sword of Moonlight primarily deals magic damage. To use this weapon, players just need a Magic stat of 24 or higher, and this will also help with taking advantage of its S scaling in Magic. Finally, aside from doing magic damage to enemies, this weapon's attacks cannot be blocked by a shield, making it particularly useful against tanky enemies.
Demon's Souls is available now on PS5.