Friday, 12 March 2021 05:29

Valheim Coming to Mac According to Leak | Game Rant

Written by Jonathan Ammerman
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A third-party application shows Steam database information that may indicate that Valheim may be coming to Mac sometime in the near future.

By now, it is becoming hard to deny the success of Valheim. The surprise hit was the highest-selling Steam game of the month of March, even after being a little-known entity just a couple of months ago. The PC game continues to make big strides, but right now one of the downsides of the Viking survival RPG is that it is trapped on basically one platform, but that may soon change.

Recently it was leaked and shown on a third-party app that Valheim may be coming to Mac in the near future, which would allow the game to continue growing on other platforms. Along with a massive player count and big sales numbers, Valheim has been reviewing very well. It will likely do the game nicely to launch on as many platforms as possible.

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According to Steam Database, a third-party application, some files have been detected that point back to a Mac version of Valheim being in Steam's system. The files are very new, only added on March 11th, in fact. The details make it seem that someone on Valheim's team has been working on a Mac version, which would be great for those who are interested in playing that version.

Along with the game coming to Mac, other versions of Valheim are also being rumors to be in the works as well. Panic Button recently commented on wanting to work on a Switch version of Valheimas it just came off of an Apex Legends port. Meanwhile, many fans are hoping for an Xbox and PlayStation very of the game as well. With how successful the game is, a console version seems like a possibility at some point.

There are so many players who truly enjoy the Valheim experience. Whether it is sharing the joy with friends, enjoying the game online via Twitch or streaming services, taking the game very seriously with perma-death runs, or grinding the game with its RPG elements, there is so much to do in Valheim and so many things to enjoy. The one aspect that is arguably a bummer is that Valheim is only available on PC at the moment, so it would be splendid to see it find its way on consoles, Mac, etc.

With Panic Button wanting to do a Switch port, and with Steam Database finding data about the game perhaps coming to Mac, and with plenty of interest in the game coming to Xbox and PlayStation, it could be that the game eventually finds its way to other platforms over the coming months and years.

Valheim is available in Early Access on PC. Other versions are rumored, such as Mac.

MORE: Valheim: How to Get Yellow Mushrooms and What are They For?

Source: Steamdb

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