Friday, 12 March 2021 06:02

Pokemon GO: How to Catch Thundurus | Game Rant

Written by Sam Woodrick
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The Incarnate and Therian forms of Thundurus are available in Pokemon GO for the currently ongoing Season of Legends event for a limited time.

The Season of Legends event in Pokemon GO is still ongoing with the event focusing on the three Forces of Nature legendary Pokemon. These Pokemon are Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus.

From March 11th to March 16th, the Incarnate form of Thundurus will be available as a raid boss in Pokemon GO. It will additionally get its own raid hour on March 15th at 6:00 PM in players' local times.

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Those who want to catch Thundurus in its Therian form will have to wait until March 16th where it will make its proper premiere in Pokemon GO. This form will also be getting its own raid hours with it getting a raid hour on March 17th and March 24th, both at 6:00 PM in players' local times.

In both of its forms, Thundurus is a dual Electric and Flying-type Pokemon. This means that it is only weak to Ice and Rock-type moves while also resisting Ground, Fighting, Steel, Grass, Bug, and Flying-type moves.

In order to get the chance to catch Thundurus, players will first need to defeat it in a raid battle. Due to Thundurus being a powerful legendary Pokemon, players are highly recommended to not challenge Thundurus alone. Instead, it's wise to perform raid battles in groups or invite friends remotely to help out.

With raid battles having time limits, it is important for players to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. For this reason, it is important for players to use Pokemon and moves that can take advantage of Thundurus's weaknesses.

Pokemon GO has plenty of powerful Ice-type Pokemon at this time that can be used against Thundurus. With winter wrapping up in the northern hemisphere, there are many players that have used the season to catch plenty of Ice-type Pokemon. Some of the best ones to use in the Thundurus raids are:

  • Galarian Darmanitan - Ice Fang and Avalanche
  • Black Kyurem - Dragon Tail and Blizzard
  • Mamoswine - Powder Snow and Avalanche
  • Weavile - Ice Shard and Avalanche
  • Glaceon - Frost Breath and Avalanche

Rock-type Pokemon meanwhile also have many representatives that can be classified as heavy hitters. They are also more commonly found, although many of the best ones either require large amounts of evolutionary candy or are also classified as legendary Pokemon. The ones to use against Thundurus however are:

  • Rampardos - Smack Down and Rock Slide
  • Rhyperior - Smack Down and Rock Wrecker
  • Terrakion - Smack Down and Rock Slide
  • Landorus - Rock Throw and Rock Slide
  • Aerodactyl - Rock Throw and Rock Slide

After defeating Thundurus in its raid battle, players will need to still catch it. It is still very possible for Thundurus to flee after the raid or for players to eventually run out of Premiere Balls during the catching process. Because of this, it is recommended for players to use whatever Golden Razz Berries or normal Razz Berries they have to secure the catch.

Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokemon GO Complete Guide for General Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Source: Pokemon GO Info

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