As March is nearly halfway over, Pokemon GO has decided to pay homage to the Spring season for trainers with a new assortment of events. This time, there is a new electric-themed Pokemon GO event happening with all sorts of bonuses and Pokemon spawns.
One of the new things Niantic is bringing to the event is a new chance to encounter Thundurus in Pokemon GO, with the legendary Pokemon first appearing yesterday at 8 am local time in his Incarnate Forme. Sadly, players will only have the opportunity to catch Thundurus Incarnate for the next five days, ending on March 16 at 10 am local time.
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Incarnate Thundurus has a different type match-up from when it last appeared in Pokemon GO. However, this does actually benefit trainers who know how to take advantage of that properly. So for fans looking for ways on how to beat Incarnate Forme Thundurus, here is a quick guide on how to beat him.

Similar to Incarnate forms of Tornadus and Landorus in Pokemon GO, Thundurus has his own unique typing as a Thunder and Flying-type Pokemon. And with the Flying-type, this effectively makes him weak to Rock and Ice-type moves just like his fellow nature trio. Luckily, there are plenty of Pokemon that can fit this mold.
Some good fighting type options are Rhyperior with Smack Down for the fast attack and Rock Wrecker for the charged attack; Rampardos with Smack Down for the fast attack and Rock Slide for the charged attack; and lastly, Terrakion with Smack Down as the fast attack and Rock Slide for the charged attack.
For Ice-type Pokemon in Pokemon GO, there is Mamoswine with Powder Snow as a fast attack and Avalanche for the charged attack; Galarian Darmanitan with Ice Fang for the fast attack and Avalanche for the charged attack; Abomasnow with Powder Snow for the fast attack and Weather Ball for the charged attack; and finally, Weaville with Ice Shard for the fast attack and Avalanche for the charged attack.
With Mega Evolutions and Shadow Pokemon now in the mix, those will typically be preferred over the original Pokemon in question, with the best Mega option on this list being Mega Abomasnow. Incarnate Forme Thundurus typically appears to trainers at around 1828 CP to 1911 CP. However, in Sunny and Windy temperature conditions, this range can drastically increase from 2285 CP to 2389 CP. So depending on what the trainer's preferences are, the weather should be taken into consideration. Hopefully, this guide helps Pokemon GO trainers assemble the best team possible to take down Thundurus Incarnate.
Pokemon GO is available on Android and iOS.