Friday, 12 March 2021 13:16

Outriders Reveals Most Popular Classes from the Demo | Game Rant

Written by Jared Carvalho
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Outriders developer People Can Fly release new data to show what classes and abilities players have gravitated to most during the demo.

With Outriders preparing for its release on April 1st, players have been given a chance to try out the new game early with a new demo that launched on February 25th. Since then, developer People Can Fly has reacted to the community's positive reception of the demo, now revealing some of the data collected during the first week players had access to it.

Among the data, People Can Fly included everything from how many hours players have thrown at the Outriders demo and how they have chosen to interact with the game. However, while some of the statistics are split mostly evenly, a few trends do stand out, such as which of the four classes is the most popular among players.

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As for which of the classes has taken the top spot, that honor goes to Outriders' Trickster, which is responsible for a total 28.5 percent of the character that players have made. Following in second place is the Pyromancer with 27.6 percent, then the Technomancer with 23 percent, and finally the Devastator taking up the rear with 20 percent. This makes for a mostly even spread across all four classes, likely due to most players choosing to make at least one of each of these character types.

One extra caveat that may help the Trickster stand out against Outriders' other classes like Pyromancer is the fact that over 1000 players have made ten or more characters in the first week. This could be the reason for the sway in class preference, with players who have begun diving into the game's mechanics with new characters are choosing the Trickster at a much higher rate. If this is the case, then players still waiting to jump into the demo may want to consider this class as they take their first steps in the game, as some of its abilities seem to be rising to the top.

Looking at the way that People Can Fly is continuing to update the Outriders demo, and the fact that character progress can be transferred into the base game, this seems to be a game worth checking out. With the game's release only a couple weeks away, now might be the best time for players to go see for themselves why so many are gravitating towards the Trickster. Then again, the Pyromancer does have the most used ability in its arsenal, so it might be worth dabbling around between each of the classes before deciding what's best for each player.

Outriders is set to release on April 1st for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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