For those that have sunk thirty plus hours into Bravely Default 2 and beat it, they may be left wanting more. Maybe they want more quests to complete, or more questions answered. Whatever the case may be, it is throughout the gaming community of fellow players where things can get unmasked.
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This can be done simply through message boards via the almighty word, or sometimes picture, like through memes, are worth way more than what one could ever write. Whether they are about a funny element of the game, or a senseless idea, these will surely strike up a conversation. There will be spoilers though so look out.
10 Lost

This is the very end of the game wherein Gloria, Elvis, Adelle wake up bewildered on an island beach. It’s a scene reminiscent of the opening of Lost. Every cold open of that show had some sort of stinger followed by the ominous title screen. It’s a meme formula that could, and does, work so well for many instances and this is one of the funnier more recent examples.
9 Princess Beach

This whole scene is a set of reworked lines from Death Stranding. One could say it is from the game’s most infamous scenes as it is ridiculous.
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That makes it hard not to put this speech in any game involving two characters walking on a beach. The real scene in this game is much sweeter, involving Gloria sharing her dreams with Seth, but it is obviously not as funny as this meme’s reworking.
8 Sephiroth Beckons

The end of Final Fantasy VII Remake has Cloud join Sephiroth in a seemingly endless void of stars. That’s where this scene takes place. Seth, and the others, also appear in starry voids numerous times in this game whenever the crystals beckon their presence. It makes sense then, comedically, to join these two scenes together. The big question of course is will these two series ever actually crossover with each other?
7 Anima’s Nexus

The Night’s Nexus looks a lot like Anima from Final Fantasy X. Both creatures have similar jaws and wrappings around their bodies. The Night’s Nexus is missing some things from Anima like another head at its tail. It’s also not a Summon and instead the final boss of this game. That said, replacing the head still makes it a funny image even if it doesn’t make total sense.
6 How To Unlock The Shovel Knight Job

In Dreams is a side quest involving unlocking the Salve-Maker Job. The character in question, Glenn, asks the party to go inside his brother Glynn’s dream in order to wake him from his never ending nightmare. Inside they fight an alternate version of Glenn who wields a shovel as a weapon. What other video game character uses a shovel for a weapon? The crossover for this meme’s joke was inevitable, but in all serious, seeing Shovel Knight for real in this game wouldn’t be that farfetched. He seems to be in everything.
5 The Infinity Crystals

The elemental crystals in this game can be likened to the infinity stokes in the Marvel universe. This door is located in the first of several “final” dungeons. It opens once all crystals are restored to their rightful place. It opening then to reveal Thanos is a pretty great joke. That would be a hard final boss to beat and or a secret boss. That could be cool for DLC. If Thanos can make it into Fortnite, it can make it into Bravely Default 2.
4 Twin Cages

This is the second to last chapter of the game. With a name like “Two Cages” it’s hard not to reference Nicolas Cage. In fact, there is a movie, Adaptation, wherein he plays twins. That’s where the image is from. If he ever popped up in a Square Enix game, fans would freak out.
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It’s not impossible though since Kingdom Hearts has done live action worlds before. National Treasure should be in Kingdom Hearts IV is the point.
3 Hiding In Plain Sight

At the end of chapter two, players must go into an underground hideout in order to find the villain behind every incident in the Wiswald region. That would be Folie, the Pictomancer. Throughout this dungeon are various murals she has created and or just splotches of paint. Seeing Inklings from Splatoon swim around these areas then is a pretty on point joke for a Nintendo game. If only they could have made a proper cameo in the game.
2 This Is Rhimedal!

This is a play off of the famous line from 300, “This is Sparta!” This scene in Rimedhal has a similar flair to that films as countless citizens are booted off this observation point because they are believed to be evil fairies. It turns out everyone found guilty of this was not a fairy at all and were condemned to death for no reason. It’s one of the darkest storylines in the game, but this meme tries its best to make light of the situation.
1 Orpheus Eater

In the boss battle with Orpheus, the Bard, he complains to Gloria on why he betrayed her kingdom of Musa. He whines about his hardships as seen in this meme although his dialogue is combined and condensed in order to save space. That’s not as important as the other half of this meme, showcasing Naked Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3 enjoying himself a nice big juicy snake. His job is to literally crawl around in dirt and he likes it.
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