While exploring the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3, players might stumble across bobbleheads. The bobbleheads can be located in obvious places or require the player to search for them. The collectibles also upgrade the player's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. skills and their skills by one point. After being found, the bobbleheads can be displayed in the player's home.
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Searching for the bobbleheads is a great way for the player to explore the wasteland entirely. Some collectible locations will cause the player to go to areas they would have normally never gone. While the bobbleheads add +1 to a skill, it will not make the skill go above 10 or 100.
19 Bobblehead - Agility

The agility bobblehead can be found at the Greener Pastures disposal site. The area is covered in radiation and wasteland creatures, such as Yao Guai. Any person venturing into this area should make sure they have Rad-X or a radiation suit.
The bobblehead is located inside the disposal site's office. It will be located next to the terminal on the desk. Picking up this item will give players +1 to their agility.
18 Bobblehead - Barter

The barter bobblehead can be found inside the Evergreen Mills bazaar. The area is a base for raiders, so be ready to fight for this collectible. Players can find the bobblehead by heading to the NPC named Smiling Jack. To the right of his shop is a workbench area.
The bobblehead will be located on the shelf to the right. It offers +10 barter to the player, giving them a better price in shops. Despite being made before the war, the bobblehead will also be holding up a cap.
17 Bobblehead - Big Guns

Players who enjoy using bigger weapons will want to find this bobblehead. It is located at Fort Constantine at the northern point of the wasteland. Players will need to head into the basement of the CO quarters to find this one.
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There will be a Protectron that players need to deal with in the basement area. A little further from this encounter, players will find an open safe. Instead will be the bobblehead, some caps, and the nuclear launch codes for the fort. Talk about a big gun.
16 Bobblehead - Endurance

Located closely to broadcast tower KB5 is the deathclaw sanctuary. Inside of that location will be the endurance bobblehead. Heading into the cave players are able to find a brahmin corpse and a small table. On the table is the bobblehead and some loot.
Along with the bobblehead, players are able to find a mini nuke and a "Nikola Tesla and You" book. There is also a Nuka-Cola Quantum close by. While it is understandable to get the collectible and leave, there is some other loot to be found close by.
15 Bobblehead - Energy Weapons

After being captured by the Enclave, players will be brought to Raven Rock. The player will escape their cell and have to fight their way through the base. After making it to section 2C, players should head to their left. They will find themselves inside of Colonel Autumn's room.
The bobblehead will be located on the desk to the right of the entrance. It gives a boost to energy weapons, fitting for the base's faction. Be sure to pick this one up, as players cannot reenter the base once they leave.
14 Bobblehead - Explosives

Located close to the deathclaw sanctuary is the WKML broadcast station. This bobblehead is unique, as it requires players to search for it a little bit. Behind the building and down the cliff, players will see a manhole cover. Players can also turn on the broadcast signal inside the station. The signal will get stronger the closer players get to the manhole.
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Players will find the bobblehead next to the HAM radio inside the manhole. There will also be stimpaks and healing items for the player. Picking up the collectible will offer a +10 boost to the explosive skill.
13 Bobblehead - Intelligence

Players can find this bobblehead while inside of Rivet City. Going into the science lab and headed towards the lockers is where players can find this one. It will be on the table, surrounded by random items. Picking it up will add +1 to the player's Intelligence skill.
12 Bobblehead - Lockpick

The lockpick bobblehead is located inside of Bethesda ruins. The city is overrun with ghouls and raiders, so players should expect a fight. Heading into the building labeled Bethesda Offices East is where players will find this collectible. It will be located on a desk that has a safe above it.
Players will get +10 to their lockpick skill. There will also be a safe above the bobblehead for players to try out their skill on.
11 Bobblehead - Luck

The Luck bobblehead is located inside of Arlington Cemetery. Players can gain access to this area by traversing the flooded metro. When players get to the cemetery, they should head into Arlington House
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The bobblehead will be located in the basement of the house. It can be found on some shelves surrounded by random items. Picking the item up will give players +1 to their luck.
10 Bobblehead - Medicine

The medicine bobblehead is located in Vault 101 and is possibly the first one players can pick up. It is located in James' office on his desk. If the player does not pick it up before going to the GOAT exam, they can pick it up during the quests Escape! and Trouble on the Homefront.
The bobblehead will still be on James' desk, either knocked over or moved a little bit. If players do not pick it up before completing Trouble on the Homefront, they will not be able to acquire this collectible.
9 Bobblehead - Melee Weapons

The creepy Dunwich Building is where the melee weapons bobblehead can be found. Players going through this building should expect to see flashbacks to Pre-War times. There are also numerous ghouls in the building. The bobblehead is located in the under chambers, near the second entrance to the buildings. It is located on a table near empty bottles.
8 Bobblehead - Perception

Players who want to escape the Republic of Dave should stick around the museum for this collectible. The bobblehead can be found on a shelf in the Museum of Dave. Luckily enough, no one will be too upset if the Lone Wanderer picks the item up. Hopefully it wasn't too important to the history of the republic.
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7 Bobblehead - Repair

When players get to Arefu, they can find a locked house. This is Evan King's house, which has the repair bobblehead inside. The door requires 50 lockpick skill and does not cause the player to lose karma. Just be careful, forcing the lock might make it to where players cannot get the collectible.
6 Bobblehead - Science

Players can find the science bobblehead inside of Vault 106's living quarters. There will be crazed survivors the player will need to watch out for. On the top floor of the living quarters, the bobblehead will be located in the east-most room. It will be found on a steel shelf in the room.
5 Bobblehead - Small Guns

The small guns bobblehead can be found at the National Guard depot. Heading into the depot's armory, players will find it sitting on the shelf of a sealed storage room. It is in front of the door that requires the Keller family transcripts to open. Picking up the bobblehead will give the player +10 to their Small Guns.
4 Bobblehead - Sneak

The sneak bobblehead can be found in the Yao Guai tunnels. Located northeast of the pool of water, players will need to head down the north tunnel and through a door.
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A ray of light will shine on it, with the bobblehead being on top of a metal box. The +10 to sneak will also help players get past the Yao Guai.
3 Bobblehead - Speech

Players can find the speech bobblehead in Paradise Falls. After meeting the slavers, the player can walk through the location freely. Going to Eulogy's house, the bobblehead can be found near his bed. It is on a table near the terminal, next to whiskey and a cup.
2 Bobblehead - Strength

The strength bobblehead is located in Megaton in Lucas Simm's house. Going up the stairs and to the left, players can find it on a desk. Players should be warned – blowing up Megaton in the quest "Power of the Atom" will make it impossible to find this collectible.
1 Bobblehead - Unarmed

The unarmed bobblehead can be found at Rockopolis, an unmarked location west of Smith Casey's garage. It can be found at the end of a tunnel, next to a dead ghoul named Argyle. The bobblehead will be somewhat hidden by a rock. Picking it up gives players +10 to their unarmed skills.
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