Tuesday, 16 March 2021 02:24

Destiny 2 Developer Bungie Ends the 12-Player Raid Bug Fun

Written by Steven Marinelli
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Destiny 2: Beyond Light has been having a tough time with various exploits in the game, the most fun being the recently discovered 12-man raid bug.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light has been dealing with a few persistent bugs over the past month, the most enjoyable of which has been a bug that allows Guardians to form 12-man Fireteams to take on various content in the game. From Nightfalls to Raids, Guardians have been using 12-man Fireteams in Destiny 2 to power through content that was not designed for more than 6 Guardians max.

While many bugs can be fixed relatively quickly, others are more complicated and sometimes require the cancellation of certain game modes until a patch can be implemented. The current bug surrounding Trials of Osiris is a prime example of a difficult bug that led to Trials of Osiris being canceled. Luckily for Guardians, Bungie did not make plans to cancel any PVE content due to the 12-man Raid bug. From using 12 Guardians to exceed the weight limit of a Fallen Skiff to doubling the number of Fireteam members in a Raid, Guardians found many ways to utilize this fun exploit.

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Bungie acknowledged the 12-man Raid bug a couple of weeks ago but mentioned it was not in a hurry to patch the bug, giving Guardians the OK to utilize this exploit while it was in the game. With the March 16, 2021 weekly reset, Bungie released an update that brought the Grandmaster Nightfall activity, as well as patched the exploit that allowed for 12-man Raids. This may be sad news to many Guardians who have been enjoying the overpowered Fireteams, but it's now one less bug Bungie has to worry about at the moment.

With the 12-man exploit patched, Guardians may be hopeful for a patch for the Trials of Osiris exploit that has keep causing the endgame PVP game mode to be canceled. Bungie has been hard at work to fix various bugs in the game, with many minor issues being patched with the 3.1.1 update that went live today. Bungie has another update scheduled for next week on March 23, that will bring some tuning to Stasis, as well as hopefully patch the exploit affected Trials of Osiris.

Bungie has been able to push out updates much faster due to the reduced file size of Destiny 2 since Bungie implemented the Destiny Content Vault. Improved response time to bugs is a good thing for Bungie, unfortunately it also means removing fun exploits such as the 12-man Raid bug. Many Guardians are hopeful that 12-man activities will make their way to the game in some official capacity considering Bungie was not in a hurry to patch the exploit to begin with.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Bungie

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