Most of Bravely Default 2 is wrapped up by the final battle. Things just sort of end though without much elaboration on how the world is overall effected. This is all to say there are many questions left that will have players scratching their heads confused.
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Some things are just left ambiguous while other things fall more into the plot hole or senseless category. However one wants to quantify them, there is plenty in this game that is left open for Square Enix to answer some things in a direct sequel or though DLC. Whether they will is the big question. It should go without saying but there be spoilers.
10 Queen Aileen

A few things don’t add up about Queen Aileen. Why did she cast herself away from her own kind just to lend boats out to people? Also, how could she be in more than one town all at the same time? Furthermore, when she dies, who replaces her as the receptionist at her post? No one says anything about it in the game. There are frankly too many questions about her character.
9 Who Or What Is Seth?

Seth’s origins are ambiguous. It seems that he sailed away from his homeland, which he mentions here and there, making one think he does indeed have a life.
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However, by the end of the game it would seem like Seth is something of a creation from the Crystals. He might have been created to help save the world which may be inferring too much, but the ending is not really clear is the point.
8 Sir Sloan’s Ghost

In a world of magic, monsters, and dragons, seeing ghosts shouldn’t be that weird. Except it kind of is because there are only two primary examples in the game. The first is Mona, the dead daughter of Roddy and Lily. Only Seth appears to have seen here. Then there is the fight with Sir Sloan’s ghost who not only could take corporeal form, but make himself younger. Something is off about these two things.
7 The Crystal’s Power

It is a bit odd that every Crystal can not only talk, but match their speech patterns to the chosen Hero of Light. These are seemingly infinite power sources so that voice part isn’t that hard to believe. What or who these Crystals are is the bigger question. What’s more the game seemingly can’t decide on a proper size. Sometimes they fit in the palm of one’s hand while other times they are massive objects displayed on podiums.
6 Jumping Into Dreams

There is a side quest that appears in the Rimedhal region called In Dreams. This takes place in a town outside the city limits, Enderno, wherein Glenn wants Seth and friends to use a magical potion to go into his brother’s dreams. They can jump into dreams now? That seems like a game changer for this world and one that could be explored through DLC even if it doesn’t make sense.
5 Galahad Visiting In A Time Of Crisis

Also in this region is a side quest called A Time To Forgive. This pops up in chapter four when Holograd is simultaneously attacking Halcyonia, Savalon, and Wiswald. This is where Galahad is from. He comes to Rimedhal in order to visit his sister, Gladys, who just died in the previous chapter. Nothing is mentioned about the invading army at his home in Wiswald as if that is not happening making it an odd quest at this time in the game.
4 What Happened To Edna?

After the first “final boss” fight with Edna who fused with the Night’s Nexus, she is never seen again. One can assume that she is forever fused with this entity but that seems like a wasted opportunity. Why she did what she did is never explored. A happier ending would be to see her reunited with her sister, Adelle, or again, at least getting to know her deal.
3 Folie’s Fate

Most villains don’t die after their boss encounters with the party. There are plenty of exceptions but most survive in other words. Folie sticks out as she is seen embracing her mural as if something is about to come out of it.
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This seems like it is setting up for her to return in some way but she never does. Maybe this will be answered in DLC.
2 What Was Adam’s Plan?

Adam’s goal is never truly explored. He seemingly wants to unite the world through power to stop bloodshed, but if that was true he could have gone about it more diplomatically instead of killing indiscriminately. Also, his sacrifice at the end is uncharacteristic of him given what players know at that point. One can infer that he just wants revenge on Edna any way possible but all in all it’s disappointing not to hear a true justification for his actions in the game.
1 Lady Emma’s Book

Through most of the game Elvis claims he found Lady Emma’s book in her library. How she got it is a mystery too although a late game quest reveals that she procured it from a mysterious stranger. Who that was is a mystery still. What’s more, how is it connected to the Night’s Nexus? That is another villain with no clear backstory. It appears to be a corrupted human but why was it corrupted in the first place and who created this book that is basically a horcrux from the Harry Potter series?
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