Tuesday, 16 March 2021 15:16

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade Rated, Contains Blood

Written by Thomas Bowen
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The PlayStation Store page for the game seems to confirm that Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is going to contain blood.

With the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade and the two additional Yuffie chapters looming large on the horizon, it's perhaps unsurprising to learn that the title has already received its ESRB rating. What is a little unexpected, however, is that the new chapters are going to contain blood. At least if the game's PlayStation Store page is to be believed, anyway.

Although the new rating has not yet appeared on the ESRB webpage, an updated rating can be found on the PlayStation Store page for the game. Like Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Intergrade holds a Teen rating as well as warnings about its violence, suggestive themes, language and substance use. Unlike its predecessor, however, the latter includes an additional content warning due to its inclusion of blood.

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The self-regulating body has three content descriptors for blood; "Animated Blood," "Blood" and "Blood and Gore." The first two should be fairly self-explanatory, while the third is typically issued to games in which the mutilation of body parts takes place. This can also include characters being impaled by bladed weapons, although usually only when excessive blood is included.

For those who had played the original game beforehand, the distinct lack of claret was one of the more noticeable changes in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The scenes at the Shinra Headquarters, in particular, felt a lot less intimidating due to its absence, while those depicting characters being stabbed or impaled without a drop being spilled arguably lost a lot of their impact. There was a faint trail of purple at one point, but, as with the green and gray blood that was so prevalent in nineties gaming, it just doesn't have the same effect.

Why exactly Square Enix opted to make these changes is not exactly clear, although some suspect that it may have been to steer clear of the ESRB's stricter Mature rating. If so, that Intergrade's rating has not been upgraded suggests that while blood may be included, it perhaps won't be anywhere near as prominent as it was in the original game.

Given that the two Yuffie-centric chapters coming to Intergrade are entirely original content, it's not exactly clear when and where this blood will come in to play. It might be during the highly anticipated battle with the returning villain, Weiss, but could just as easily involve the death of the new party member, Sonon Kusakabe. Until June rolls around, it really is anybody's guess.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is releasing on June 10, 2021 for PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Yuffie Episode May Be Hiding An Obscure Shinra Secret

Source: PlayStation Store

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