Tuesday, 16 March 2021 22:30

World Of Warcraft: 10 Things About Thrall's Lore Fans Need To Know

Written by Rhenn Taguiam
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Thrall is among the most iconic characters in the World of Warcraft franchise. Learn all there is to know about this famous orc!

Of all characters in Blizzard's acclaimed Warcraft franchise, it's perhaps Thrall that made a mark as one of its most iconic - especially during his adventures in World of Warcraft. As fans might remember, Thrall suffered a rough childhood under the hands of Humans who turned him into both a slave and a gladiator. However, his adventures not only managed to free him from captivity but also change the lives of Orcs in Azeroth forever.

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Now a revered leader and wisened spellcaster, Thrall remains a respectable figurehead and icon in Azeroth's history. However, fans of the Horde and the Warchief have more to discover about this iconic character.

10 A Human Changed His Life

Those who heard Thrall's life story would likely think that he felt nothing but hatred for the Humans who kept him under captivity. However, Thrall actually had one cherished human friend - Taretha Foxton, the daughter of the secretary that serves Thrall's former slaver Aedelas Blackmoore. It's thanks to Taretha and her intelligence and compassion that Thrall learned the value of dignity and loyalty. Sadly, Aedelas also killed Taretha in a blinding rage.

People such as Thrall and even Arthas Menethil would compare Taretha to Jaina in terms of appearance. Taretha also helped Thrall escape captivity in secret. However, despite her small part in Thrall's childhood, his memories with her would motivate Thrall to find a better future for the Orcs and the Horde.

9 Pinnacle Of Multiclassing

Fans of the MMO and the franchise might wonder just what exactly does Thrall possess in terms of fighting abilities. As far as fans have seen, Thrall not only has a knack for leadership but also has an intimate connection with nature as a Shaman.

Interestingly, the Warcraft RPG has a more precise look into Thrall's skillset. According to the RPG, players can classify Thrall as a Healer thanks to his specialization in restoration. Moreover, he's also a hardened Fighter who's used to violence, and a Blademaster - an elite warrior amongst the Orcs.

8 The Matter With Jaina Proudmoore

Thrall's relationship with Jaina Proudmoore has become a point of contention throughout Warcraft history. After all, while the Prophet Medivh forced Warchief and the Sorceress to work together before, they easily became good friends. Due to their character development, fans speculated that the two would end up in a romantic relationship.

However, lore would quickly dismantle the theory. For instance, Thrall once verbally denied the notion of having Jaina as a mate. In fact, Thrall would have the Orc Aggra has his life-mate. Additionally, the fact that Jaina felt betrayed by Thrall after Theramore's destruction will likely make this pairing impossible.

7 What's Left Of The OG

Lore fans might remember that the Horde during the vanilla version of World of Warcraft had iconic racial leaders from the original games. These included Thrall and the likes of Vol'jin of the Darkspear Trolls, Cairne Bloodhoof of the Bloodhoof Clan of Tauren, and Sylvanas Windrunner of the Undead Forsaken.

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Sadly, given Vol'jin and Cairne's passing as well as Sylvanas's defection off the Horde, Thrall now remains as the "OG" Horde racial leader that remains living and active.

6 Go'el, Messianic References

Interestingly, fans who take a deep dive into Thrall's origins might find his story eerily similar to those of messianic figures. For instance, it's revealed that Draka and Durotan's prepared name for Thrall was "Go'el." Those who can speak Hebrew know that "Go'el" not only means "redeemer," but it's also a traditional title for the Messiah.

In Hebrew culture, "Go'el" finds its origins from the "lig'ol" verb which means "to free." As such, the Go'el is duty-bound to free his people from slavery. Interestingly, this duty was something Thrall had also done for the Orcs - not just from his internment camps, but also freeing the Orcs from the control of Fel Magic.

5 More Heroic Inspirations

Aside from allusions to messianic figures, it seems some concepts from Thrall's design have also come from other pop culture and historical references as well. For instance, it could be noted that the gladiator Spartacus partly inspired Thrall. History fans would remember the iconic gladiator leading a massive slave rebellion that shook the Roman Republic.

Likewise, Chris Metzen - WoW designer and Thrall's VA - also said that Marvel's Thor and Mjolnir partly inspired Thrall and his wielding of the lightning-imbued Doomhammer. Even Thrall's necklace from Cataclysm to Legion paid homage to Samurai Shodown II character Wan-fu. The aforementioned game became a hit to Blizzard staff while developing games such as Warcraft 2.

4 Nicknamed Green Jesus

Aside from real-world associations with his name, Thrall's rather central role to the plot of Cataclysm earned him the nickname "Green Jesus" among the fanbase. This also refers to his rather lack of fundamental personal flaws, reputation with higher beings, friendship even with members of the Alliance, and extraordinary abilities. Additionally, Thrall's potency as a Shaman made him qualified to become the temporary Aspect of Earth - as in the element's actual representation - during Deathwing's fall.

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However, some eagle-eyed fans knowledgeable in Christianity might say that Thrall has similarities to Moses, instead of Jesus. As per literature, Moses freed his people from slavery and brought them to a new land. Chris Metzen didn't like this nickname, as he said he wanted to try to respect the higher beings of other religions.

3 Unity Requires Genuine Study

Fans might notice that Thrall has made valuable allies through various means. Aside from earning the loyalty of Horde compatriots, he even made friends and allies in the Alliance - earning the respect of the likes of Jaina Proudmoore and Varian Wrynn. However, Thrall's penchant for making fast friends across races isn't solely due to his diplomatic specialty. Rather, it seems Thrall has a genuine interest in other cultures.

For instance, Thrall can apparently understand and read Thalassian, the ancient language of the High Elves. Moreover, he has appointed officers to help him study cultures and traditions. These include appointing Aturk to teach other Horde members blacksmithing. Additionally, Thrall also tasked Tatternack Steelforge to study the weaponry and armor of the centaur and quilboar races.

2 Inconsistent Mount Might Be Consistent

Fans with a knack for aesthetics might notice the inconsistent design choice for Thrall throughout the games. For instance, he had variations of a black-furred, white-furred, and brown-furred wolf throughout the games when his only known mount was Snowsong. Fans speculate this was Snowsong changing its fur colors over time, or perhaps Thrall just switching mounts.

Interestingly, some story changes say otherwise. Prior to Shadowlands, it's revealed that Thrall now rides a wolf named Moonpaw. Moreover, Thrall's Battle for Azeroth design now features him partly covered with white fur. In turn, fans speculate that Snowsong actually passed and Thrall honored his companion by wearing its pelt - much like how his father Durotan wore the pelt of Stormfang, his late companion.

1 Thrall's Balls

Players with Death Knights under the Ebon Blade would eventually meet Nazgrim. He once served as one of the Horde's greatest generals, and now he's one of the Four Horsemen, the most powerful of Death Knights. However, players would know Nazgrim not necessarily for his decorated record - but rather, his infamous line, "Thrall's balls!"

Fans would first encounter this line during the "Blood and Thunder!" quest. However, as of Legion, the "/whoa" emote for Orc characters now says "Thrall's balls!" as well. This joke references the large beads of the necklace Thrall wears.

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