Wednesday, 17 March 2021 00:11

15 PlayStation Vs. Xbox Memes That Are Too Funny For Words

Written by Saim Cheeda
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Some PlayStation and Xbox fans are in a perpetual state of fighting. Here are the ten best memes to come out of the conflict.

The gaming industry is in an exciting period where the next generation of consoles have only just been released. Since concrete news is still scarce, it’s fun to anticipate and predict which console is the undisputed winner. What is know for certain, however, is that fanboys of the Xbox and PS camps will remain the same.

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The past is a clear indication that the console war will rage on for fans of these consoles, and to prove it, these are memes that, while absolutely hilarious, point out how the Playstation vs. Xbox console battle won’t be ending any time soon.

Updated by Saim Cheeda on 17th March, 2021: It doesn’t matter how long it has been since the console wars have been in effect, as fans won’t be stopping their flaming of one another. The release of the Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 has added further fuel to this battle of fanboys, meaning there are even more memes to indulge in than before. These contain the same theme of taking shots at the other console and its fans, but the creative ways and subtle truths behind them make these memes worthy of checking out. There’s also the fact indulging in these funny pictures is a great way to blow off steam, so the hilarity to be found here is twofold.

15 This Was Definitely Made By A Sony Fan

The generation of the Xbox One wasn’t a good one for Microsoft, as the company was accused of prioritizing its profits over quality. This accusation was mainly doled out by PS fans, who also reveled in the eventual downfall of the Xbox One.

Due to this, it’s not difficult to assume that this meme was created by a PS fan. Xbox fans, unfortunately, have no comeback to this, seeing as the Xbox One crashed and burned compared to the PS4 and lost its customers, and had to suffer shortfalls in profits.

14 Beating Fanboys With Logic

Some shots at the other camp are a stretch for sure, yet the convenient logic applied does give fanboys a reason to believe in them. In this meme, the insinuation is that the title of the Xbox 360 was always inspired by the PlayStation’s controller.

Funnily enough, the justification provided is so perfect that it’s hard to argue against. Of course, the reality is that the Xbox 360 was never named this way, but those who like to troll Xbox fans will most definitely have milked this meme for all it’s worth.

13 That Name Cannot Be Spoken

Diehard Sony fans love to point out the number of sales PS franchises have achieved, but there’s no escaping the fact that the PS5 lacks an abundance of quality titles. Due to this, Xbox fans like to claim that it’s better to just switch to this console. Obviously, both systems have plenty of great games, so there's some logic to it — but that doesn't stop fans from overreacting to anyone challenging their platform.

12 Run For Your Life!

This is most likely a scenario where the person made this claim in an online forum. After all, fanboys love to swarm around someone who isn’t part of their camp — regardless of platform. These fans are also very stubborn in their claims, so this kind of act of rebellion wouldn't surprise anyone.

11 When The Companies Win Either Way

The majority of flame wars between the PS and Xbox brand has to do with the fans rather than the companies. It wouldn’t be surprising if Sony and Microsoft prefer to have their fans fight as this has led to more sales.

In order to one-up one another, the fans have taken to purchasing their preferred console’s products, which has only had the effect of making the companies richer. No matter which one of the PlayStation or Xbox wins, it’s Sony and Microsoft who are the real winners.

10 When You Put It This Way...

In case you don’t remember, the announcement of the Xbox One in 2013’s E3 brought a lot of criticism its way for having a bunch of ridiculous features. The most lambasted one was the requirement for the Kinect to always be on.

This brought a certain sense of paranoia that Microsoft might be spying on the player, which was an instant turn-off. On the other end, we had the PS4 that had a great look about it, and had the smaller size that made it more attractive to have it in your room.

9 Numbers Don't Lie

People have been obsessed with racking up the numbers of the two brands against one another for about two decades or so now. This reached its peak in the seventh generation when some joked that the Xbox 360’s vastly superior number compared to the PS3 made it the winner.

This came back to bite the Xbox fans as the unveiling of the titles of the eighth generation systems led to PS4 being crowned the winner right off the bat seeing, as the number four easily trumps the number one. In this way, the PS brand won before things even started.

8 That Old Fight

We thought we’d be getting a Marvel game back in the seventh generation, and the time to resolve which system better delivered an Avengers title was resolved when the latest game arrived for the PlayStation and Xbox.

Back when the Captain America: Civil War rage was in, we were treated to this very accurate depiction of fanboys on both sides. The truth is that we’re all gamers, and the Xbox vs PlayStation debate has caused a civil war between fans.

7 Kinda True

After spending the previous generation battling media announcements over how the “PS is dying” all the time, its fanboys were over the moon once the PS4 hit the market, instantly dominated the scene, and revived the brand name.

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However, it has also caused these fans to get carried away in taking shots at Xbox’s expense, as you can see internet forums filled with memes referencing this fact. This has gotten to the point where one has to wonder if these guys even play their PS consoles as much as they talk about it.

6 Depends On How You See It

Here, an Xbox One fan is indicating that the Playstation’s graphics are hopelessly yesteryear while the Xbox One X is in modern times.

You have to hand it for the joke’s execution, considering that we have had the latest Lion King film just released. If it’s any consolation for PS fans, at least the original animated version of The Lion King was far better than the live-action one.

5 Shots Fired

It’s because of the PlayStation’s knack for delivering quality exclusives that it has managed to remain ahead of the curve compared to the Xbox, so much so that there isn’t any argument left in this regard during the current generation.

The Xbox’s main quality has been its online experience, which has always been an area where multiplayer games shine through best. For the best exclusives to enjoy, one has to admit that the PS4 quite handily beats the Xbox One.

4 Can't Argue There

It’s good to play around with titles on occasion, such as the practice of the Assassin’s Creed games of having its releases switched from numbered sequels to titled ones. However, it’s far too confusing when it comes to the matter of consoles. 

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Since there are more casual fans than those who keep up with the industry, it makes more sense to go the route the PS brand has taken and simply number the latest iteration within a sequence. The Xbox’s habit of always coming up with far-out titles comes across more eccentric than creative.

3 The Secret Revealed

Now we might just be entering the area where the jokes start getting a bit juvenile, but it does reflect how badly fanboys want the competition gone. Here, PS4 fans argue that the PS4's shape was deliberately constructed as a message.

The idea of turning the shape of the PS4 into that of an eraser is meant to act as a clue that the PS4 was out to wipe the competition of the Xbox One from the market. While it did ultimately land the win, we can’t agree that the Xbox’s presence has been totally removed.

2 Didn't See That Coming

With the rise of huge multiplayer titles in this console generation, Microsoft and Nintendo saw that it would be beneficial if they opened up cross-play between consoles to allow players from around the world to enjoy the best games together.

While they had initially been staunch against the idea, the higher-ups at Sony might as well have been screeching internally for making the mistake of not seeing how the Xbox benefited from cross-play. Eventually, Sony had to concede, and the PS4 also started allowing cross-play between platforms.

1 True Innovation In Your Fridge

The Xbox’s negative reception towards its design for a home console continued with the Xbox Series X, whose simplicity of being a rectangular box hasn’t been unanimously accepted. For this reason, some fans were apprehensive of the PS5’s final design.

Although it didn't like a fridge as it does in this meme, many wouldn't have been surprised if the PS5 did turn out to be huge in size. After all, the PS3’s first version was a behemoth in itself, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility the PS5 might look similar to the Xbox Series X. 

NEXT: 15 Video Games With The Most Heartbreaking Endings, Ranked

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