Wednesday, 17 March 2021 16:00

Street Fighter: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Cammy | Game Rant

Written by Quentin Hardy
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Cammy is an important and iconic figure in the Street Fighter universe. Here are some things you may not know about her.

Cammy White first appeared in Super Street Fighter II as the second female character in the series after Chun Li. Her story is pretty jumbled up and complicated due to the weird chronology of the Street Fighter series so it's easy for fans to be confused about where she comes from and what she stands for.

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As one of the most iconic series in fighting game and video game history, Cammy holds a lot of trivia and information that goes deeper than most realize. The Street Fighter franchise has been building its lore since the late 80s and early 90s so there's a lot to unpack.

10 Inspirations

As the second female fighter in the series, it was important that Cammy looked unique and played with her own style to stand out against Chin Li and the male cast. Cammy bears striking resemblance to an assassin from Wounded Man. This character's name is Misty and has blonde hair with pigtails as well so it's pretty clear how much inspiration was taken for Cammy's design.

Cammy's iconic arm protectors were also an inspiration from another series called Appleseed. Appleseed was written by the same author as the one who did Ghost In The Shell. The design fits her assassin job role and futuristic aesthetic as if she came from another story entirely.

9 The Iconic Scar

Since Cammy's introduction, she's had a scar on her left cheek that was a topic of discussion for a long time. Fans couldn't tell where she got the scar from, and there was a lot of speculation about it. Even to this day, the games haven't fully explained how she got her scar but there have been hints to it outside of the games.

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In character descriptions and certain extra content, it's hinted that Vega gave her the scar on her cheek. The reasoning was probably that he didn't want her to be more beautiful than him, so he scarred her face. Vega can't stand the idea of being outdone in the beauty department and was envious of Cammy for how perfect she was.

8 Final Fight Appearance

Capcom has been crossing over their characters from game to game for decades now, and Cammy was one of the first examples of this. In Final Fight: Streetwise, Cammy appears as a bonus boss fight. She can also be fought in the tournament mode afterward as a reward.

Characters like Poison, Abigail, Cody, Guy, Lucia, and many more are from the Final Fight series and have made appearances in Street Fighter games. It's interesting to see the cameos go the other way since usually, the Street Fighter characters are mentioned in Final Fight, but not actually playable or interactable.

7 Psycho Power

It's common knowledge that Cammy is a clone made from Bison's DNA to act as his successor if he died. What's unclear is what kind of implications this has for Cammy's physical form itself. For instance, since she has his DNA, does this mean that she has an affinity for Psycho energy like he does?

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Luckily there's a small hint from an old Capcom classic. In Marvel Vs. Street Fighter, Cammy appears in her Killer Bee form and has different effects on her specials. In this game, her special moves emit purple flames that look a lot like Psycho energy but it's never been confirmed specifically that she was harnessing Psycho power in the game.

6 Cammy's Accent

Cammy is originally from the UK but her accent has been changed multiple times over her voiced appearances in games and other media. She originally is described to have an English accent but in the Street Fighter II animated movie, her accent is 100% American.

There's no official lore behind this decision but fans have put in their own theories and ideas. The animated movie took place after Cammy's mind washing by Bison ran out so it's possible that when she lost the brainwashed part of her, she lost her accent.

5 She's A Cat Person

Cammy has a deep love for cats and an affinity towards them that's unmatched by any other feelings she's shown in the series aside from her love for her sisters. Throughout multiple games, movies, and manga, Cammy can be seen cuddling up with strays and feeding them.

It's possible that this is because she feels like a stray herself, without a biological family or home to return to. In Street Fighter IV, she has a cat woman costume that's inspired by her love of cats according to Daigo Ikeno who designed it.

4 Relationship With Chun Li

In the Udon's Street Fighter Comics, Cammy is the killer of Chun Li's father instead of Vega in previous stories. This adds an interesting dynamic to the women of Street Fighter because after they fight, they find a common respect for one another.

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Chun Li loses the fight and learns to respect Cammy's strength. Cammy also starts to respect Chun Li because she stays true to her beliefs no matter what and even though she's lost a lot, she continues to fight for justice. After they fight and Chun Li understands Cammy was mind-controlled and lost her memories, they become friends and work together in multiple later storylines.

3 Mistranslated Love

Cammy is the weird clone child of Bison which is common knowledge but in Super Street Fighter II, there is a bad translatation in Bison's win quote against her where he claims that they were once in love. Bison only ever intended to use Cammy as a tool of destruction and for his own resurrection so saying they were once lovers is a stretch by every sense of the word.

In Street Fighter II: The Animated Series, Cammy is plagued by flashbacks to times when she was Bison's lover. This plot line probably came from the weird win quote and came across very strangely but it was an interesting twist to Cammy's character as a victim of Stockholm syndrome.

2 Killer Bee

Cammy's code name as an assassin was Killer Bee before joining Delta Red due to her ability to zip around and the resemblance her signature moves have to a bee's stingers. The code name also makes an "appearance" in her horror costume in Street Fighter IV.

The costume itself looks a lot like Q-Bee from Darkstalkers, another Capcom franchise. The costume is pretty comical, and it's a nice nod to a franchise that hasn't gotten an installment in a long time.

1 Starting A Trend

In the Street Fighter series, there're moves commonly referred to as Dragon Punches, based on their Japanese name of Shoryuken. These moves are very powerful to have since they're usually invincible and great defensive options. Normally, as the name implies, these moves are done with a punch button. In Cammy's case, she uses a kick button to perform her reversal Dragon Punch. After this was implemented, it became common in Street Fighter for the female characters to do their Dragon Punch specials with a kick instead.

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