Thursday, 18 March 2021 22:19

Overwatch McCree Bug Kills Players in Spawn Room | Game Rant

Written by William Miracle
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An Overwatch player has discovered a bug with McCree's ultimate ability that seems impossible to replicate but is still quite funny.

In Overwatch, ultimate abilities are some of the most crucial abilities in the game. A well-timed Reaper Death Blossom in the middle of an enemy team can wreak havoc, and Zarya's Graviton Surge has always been an excellent ultimate to combine with others for maximum effect. Some ultimates are more difficult to use effectively, like Tracer's Pulse Bomb, but others just require the player to stand still and watch the madness. McCree's Deadeye is one of these ultimates, and one Overwatch player has discovered a hilarious bug that occurs if the ultimate is used in a specific way.

McCree's ultimate and the rest of his kit can seem at odds with each other, as most of McCree's other moves besides Deadeye require quick reflexes and good timing. McCree is often placed in the same group as Genji and Ana in terms of skill required to play well, and though he isn't the hardest character in Overwatch to play, he certainly isn't the easiest. McCree's ultimate isn't as strong as it was when Overwatch launched, but with the right setup, he can still catch players off guard. Or in this case, he can just kill them as soon as they spawn.

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Spawn rooms in Overwatch are protected by barriers so players can't be immediately killed upon respawn. However, streamer Gale_Adelade accidentally found a way around this while playing McCree. In the video below, Gale triggers his ultimate behind Reinhardt's shield hoping to catch some of the enemy team off guard as they exit their spawn room. The enemy team plays smart and stay in spawn, but when Gale releases his ultimate he still gets a kill.

Soon after this, the McCree player on the opposite team sends a message in chat saying he can't spawn. When Gale checks the enemy's respawn counter, he notices it is stuck in a loop. After the match, Gale loads up a replay and tries to figure out what happened.

As seen in the video, the enemy McCree is killed by Gale's Deadeye ultimate the very frame he spawns into the game. It isn't clear how the shot managed to break through the invincibility provided by the spawn room, but it could be a combination of McCree's hitscan for his weapon and Deadeye's auto-lock. This situation seems to require frame-perfect timing for both the respawning player and the player using McCree's ultimate, so the chances of it happening again are minuscule. Still, it's quite funny to watch.

McCree has been nerfed several times in the past but it's unlikely this incident will concern Blizzard. Overwatch still has a solid player base and Blizzard is focused on growing that audience with the eventual release of Overwatch 2. McCree will probably be just as useful in Overwatch 2 as he is in the original game, but his Overwatch 2 redesign has drawn mixed reactions.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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