Shotguns are the best secondary weapons in Destiny 2 for hand cannon mains. In the current meta, the majority of players in competitive modes are using shotguns. Hand cannons operate as a medium to long range weapon, and players need a competitive weapon up close.
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Because guardians will be facing off against other shotguns in almost every game, it is important to learn what mistakes to avoid when using the weapon. Gamers that do not work on their shotgun tactics will have a rough time in Trials. Below are ten mistakes that almost every gamer has made when using a shotgun.
10 Hip Fire Spamming
It can be tempting to hip fire every shotgun, but it is not effective in Destiny 2. Aiming down sight will tighten pellet spread and greatly increase the weapon's accuracy. Even at close range, players will hit more shots if they ads instead of trying to hit their shots from the hip. It is also a good strategy for guardians to re-align their aim before firing each shot. One well timed shot is better than two missed shells.
9 Two Hit Rangemasters
Shotguns do not have good times to kill outside of the one shot kill range. Using a shotgun at medium range is never a good idea, especially when every player in the Crucible will have a 120rpm hand cannon. Gamers need to get a feel for when an enemy is near the one shot kill range. Once an opponent is in range, then players can use their shotgun. Almost every shotgun will have a one hit kill range of eight meters.
8 Shotgun Fish
Shotgun gameplay is centered around winning 50/50 gambles. In close quarters, gamers know that their opponents will also have shotguns. The guardian that can sneak into one shot range and fire first will win the battle. Instead of thinking about the one hit range in meters, gamers need to develop a visual benchmark of how far that distance is. Once players know exactly how close they need to be, they can skirt the line and bait enemies that are just outside of it.
7 Headhunters
Most shotguns should be aimed center mass every time. The exception is of course the slug shotguns, which are only useful if guardians are hitting headshots. Yes, aiming at the head will yield amazing one shot kills that are outside of the typical one tap range. However, it is incredibly difficult to be laser accurate with a shotgun considering how bad some of the sights are. Gamers will get more kills in the long run by aiming at the chest. There is a good chance that headhunters will miss well aimed shots due to pellet spread as well.
6 Three Meter Rule
Aiming down sight is the best method when using a shotgun if the opponent is more than three meters away. Within three meters, opponents will be close enough that the pellet spread will not matter. Guardians that are aiming down sight will give opponents a split second to slide, jump, or dodge their way out of an unfavorable position. Gamers that feel the need to aim down sight can quickscope or half aim at enemies. Aiming down sight at point blank range makes reacting to enemy movement more difficult, and players should never do it within three meters.
5 Deer In Headlights
Everyone has witnessed the inexperienced push in fps games. Gamers will run straight at opponents with no sliding, jumping, or movement. These guardians will never make it in the Trials of Osiris. Destiny 2 is a movement based game, and the range limitations of shotguns make movement even more important. Players need to incorporate the shotgun slide or corner hop to get the first shot off at close range. Sliding will allow gamers to get just in the one shot range before firing their weapon. While everyone has had a moment of tunnel vision, players need to be nimble with the shotgun.
4 Shells Only
Everyone knows that shotguns are close range weapons. When an enemy is close, the shotgun is the go to weapon. That being said, most of the meta shotguns only have four shells per clip. If an enemy is within melee range, it is quicker and more efficient to finish them off with fists instead of using precious ammo. The tactic is especially effective when players are dealing with multiple enemies in PVP and PVE.
3 Getting Hooked
Destiny 2 players often make the mistake of taking the bait of another shotgunner. Opponents that are pushing forward at close range will have a shotgun nearly every time. Guardians that move toward these players are taking the bait and will be punished as a result. Instead, players should slide away to eliminate an opponent's one shot kill and close the distance before they can fire another shot.
2 Lack of Map Awareness
Guardians will need to have an understanding of spacing on each map to properly cycle their primary and secondary weapons. With knowledge of each map, gamers will know when they will need to have their shotgun equipped. Doorways and small corridors are common places that gamers will be caught using the wrong gun. Even a player with aimbot will loose to a shotgun while using a hand cannon at three meters.
1 Untimely Reload
It cannot be stressed enough that shotgun players will put themselves in bad situations if they do not reload constantly. With six rounds or less, it is common for Guardians to run out of ammo while in a hectic engagement. Every Destiny 2 player has made the mistake of forgetting to reload. Players should get in the habit of pressing the reload button whenever they are not fighting enemy players.
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