Saturday, 20 March 2021 14:03

Warframe: How To Obtain A Necramech | Game Rant

Written by Charles Burgar
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With a host of new suit mechanics, Necramechs are an ideal change to a gamer's playstyle in Warframe, and here is how to get one.

Every open world released in Warframe comes with a whole host of new Mods and items to use. The Plains of Eidolon brought Archwing launchers and flyable Dargyns, Orb Vallis introduced players to K-Drives, and now the Cambion Drift has introduced the player base to mech suits.

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Known as Necramechs, these mechanical suits bring a new suite of weapons and abilities for players to use. As with other summonable modes of traversal, they can be equipped with a wide range of Mods to suit any playstyle. Here is a complete guide on how to obtain a personal Necramech in Warframe. This article contains story spoilers for Warframe.

Updated March 21th, 2021 by Charles Burgar: With Digitial Extremes announcing that Necramechs can be used in Railjack missions in Update 30, many Warframe players are looking for ways to obtain a Necramech of their own. While the overall process is the same, the Bonewidow Necramech and multiple Mods have been released since this article was originally written. Crafting requirements for the Bonewidow Necramech and additional Mod information have been added.

For players first starting Warframe, they will need to unlock Mars and Deimos before they can obtain a Necramech. Players will need to complete the "Once Awake" quest, defeat 150 Frontier Grineer enemies on Earth, collect 500 Rubedo, and complete Suisei on Mercury. Reaching Mercury will require players to complete the Earth to Venus and Venus to Mercury Junctions as well. Completing all objectives will grant the "Heart of Deimos" quest and unlock Mars, which leads directly to Deimos.

The "Heart of Deimos" quest is required before players can explore the massive Infested landscape that is the Cambion Drift. Once players have completed the Earth to Mars Junction, they will need to head to their Codex and start the quest.

Before reaching the Cambion Drift, players must first complete Kadesh on Mars. From there, complete the missions Horend and Phlegyas to reach the Cambion Drift. As for the quest itself, players will complete typical activities on an open world such as exploration, fishing, and exploring the vast Infested caves that reside on Deimos. This should take no more than a couple of hours for most players. Bring Viral weapons to make this quest easier.

Unfortunately, players can't purchase Necramech parts until they have finished "The War Within" questline. This quest takes place rather far into the campaign. Players will need to complete "Natah," "The Second Dream," and the Pluto to Sedna Junction to unlock the quest. As with "The Second Dream," completing "The War Within" will unlock a new mechanic that allows players to swap control between their Operator and Warframe.

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When this quest is finished, head to Necralisk on Deimos. Once inside, head to the room directly left of Mother. Walk to the conspicuous vertical cut in the wall covered by a black forcefield adorned with golden plates. Swap to the Operator to make the field dissipate. Walk down the hall to talk with Loid, the leader of the Necraloid Syndicate that sells Necramech parts.

As with most Syndicates in Warframe, the Necraloids Syndicate won't give Necramech parts to any character. To create every part of a Necramech, players must first reach the rank of Clearance: Modus before they can purchase a Void Necramech Blueprint and all of its component blueprints. Those interested in crafting a Bonewidow Necramech will need to reach Clearance: Odima instead. Reaching Modus rank from scratch requires the following:

  • 27,000 Standing
  • 25 Orokin Orientation Matrix
  • 400 Void Traces
  • 1 Zymos Blueprint
  • 40 Father Tokens
  • 1 Sepulcrum Blueprint

Completing Vault bounties from Mother will grant Orokin Matrices, which can be turned into Loid for Necraloids Standing.

Every Necramech requires four parts to function: a casing, engine, capsule, and weapon pod. Crafting a Necramech is virtually identical to making a Warframe; mixing and matching Necramech parts is currently not supported. All four parts can be crafted as soon as players reach the rank of Clearance: Agnesis. As of update 29.9, there are only two Necramech archetypes players can craft: Voidrigs and Bonewindows. Here is what each part requires.

  • Voidrig Casing: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Casing, 120 Adramal Alloy, 16 Stellated Necrathene, and 40 Venerdo Alloy
  • Voidrig Engine: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Engine, 100 Tempered Bapholite, 2 Biotic Filter, and 75 Isos
  • Voidrig Capsule: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Pod, 2 Scintillant, 30 Spinal Core Section, and 20 Marquise Veridos
  • Voidrig Weapon Pod: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod, 6 Biotic Filler, 80 Thaumic Distillate, and 45 Charc Electroplax
  • Bonewidow Casing: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Casing, 100 Tempered Bapholite, 20 Thaumic Distillate, and 15 Goblite Tears
  • Bonewidow Engine: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Engine, 120 Adramal Alloy, 2 Cranial Foremount, and 750 Titanium
  • Bonewidow Capsule: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Pod, 4 Scintillant, 20 Biotic Filter, and 6 Star Crimzian
  • Bonewidow Weapon Pod: 15,000 Credits, 1 Damaged Necramech Weapon Pod, 6 Spinal Core Section, 80 Devolved Namalon, and 45 Scrap

Each component blueprint costs 2,000 Standing. Damaged Necramech parts can be found on slain Necramechs as a rare drop. Enemy Necramechs can be found during Mother's Vault bounties. These bounties can be completed solo or with a matchmade team.

Once players have all four parts crafted for a specific Necramech, they must purchase a Necramech Blueprint to combine all four parts. This requires rank 2 in the Necraloids Syndicate for the Voidrig and rank 3 for Bonewidow.

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Completing this craft will allow players to equip the Necramech in their gear wheel, similar to how K-Drives and Archwings work.

Necramech guns use Archwing Mods to increase their strength, allowing players who have invested heavily into Archwing to get more mileage out of their investment. For the Necramech itself, however, it has a new Mod ecosystem separate from everything else.

These Necramech Mods are similar to standard Warframe Mods, granting everything from Health bonuses to enhancing Power Strength. Unlike other moddable items, Necramechs have 12 Mod slots instead of the usual 8. This is because Necramechs don't have melee weapons. This means all Necramech melee Mods must be installed on the Necramech itself. The Bonewidow's exalted melee weapon, Ironbride, is an exception to this rule.

Players can find Necramech Mods as drops from slain Necramechs found in Mother's Vault bounties. Like most Mods, these can also be obtained via Transmutation. A few essential Necramech Mods can also be purchased from the Necraloid Syndicate. The following Mods are available from the Necraloids (stats listed at maximum rank):

  • Necramech Vitality (Requires Rank 2 Clearance): +120% Health; 5 ranks
  • Necramech Refuel (Requires Rank 2 Clearance): +20% Engine Replenish; 3 ranks
  • Necramech Intensify (Requires Rank 3 Clearance): +30% Ability Strength; 5 ranks
  • Necramech Pressure Point (Requires Rank 3 Clearance): +60% Melee Damage; 5 ranks
  • Necramech Efficiency (Requires Rank 3 Clearance): +30% Engine Efficiency; 5 ranks
  • Necramech Drift (Requires Rank 3 Clearance): +60% Hover Efficiency; 5 ranks
  • Necramech Friction (Requires Rank 3 Clearance): +60% Slide Efficiency; 5 ranks
  • Necramech Flow (Requires Rank 3 Clearance): +150% Energy Max; 5 ranks

Ensure that the Necramech is allocated to a certain gear slot, similar to how Archwings and K-Drives work. Use the gear wheel to summon a Necramech, then switch to Operator mode to enter the vehicle. As of update 29.9, Necramechs can only be used in open world content and Operation: Orphix Venom. However, there are plans to let players use them in Railjack missions in the near future via a Railjack Intrinsic upgrade. Players can also take control of empty Necramechs throughout the Cambion Drift through the same process.

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