It seems fans have not felt the several years that have passed since Blizzard Entertainment’s refreshed MMORPG World of Warcraft Classic was launched in 2019. Within the original base game, both old and new players have found unique ways to play online, with some even challenging themselves by conquering raid bosses without armor or buffs. Recently, two players have also accomplished an amazing feat by defeating an infamously difficult 40-player World of Warcraft raid boss with only two of them as party members.
With news that The Burning Crusade expansion is finally coming to WoW Classic soon, fans are likely very excited about having the older content to go through. Though WoW Classic had a wealth of interesting questlines, fans will likely agree that being able to experience the narrative of The Burning Crusade, and having additional races and classes will incentivize more players to continue their subscription. This means that players will likely find more ways to challenge themselves with the raids and dungeons added into the game by the expansion.
RELATED: WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade Leaks Hint Beta and Launch Are Coming Soon
In a recent Twitch stream by user zanthed1, two WoW Classic players were able to complete the 4o-man Onyxia raid in around 57 minutes. Using their characters named Shiftus and Gendisarray, the two players were decked out in the Priest and Warrior classes. Considering that the Fury Warrior is known to produce high DPS, especially back in the original World of Warcraft days, it is not surprising that the team chose to bring this specific character to the arduous fight.

One of the first big raid bosses in the base game, veteran players will likely recall the 40-player Onyxia boss raid as one of the most difficult bosses to take down, given the sheer amount of manpower needed to deplete her whopping 1.8 million HP. However, with a great amount of care in managing their skill and recovery item cooldowns, Shiftus and Gendisarray were able to beat her in under an hour. This is a big accomplishment, given that older players will recall having to spend hours learning and weaving through the boss's raid mechanics while managing the number of characters involved in the battle.
World of Warcraft Classic continues to inspire players like Shiftus and Gendisarray to hone their skills and be creative in how they take down the game's bosses. With The Burning Crusade expansion looming over the horizon, there is much more for both fans and players to look forward to in keeping their passion for the MMORPG alive.
World of Warcraft Classic is available now on PC. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available now on PC.
MORE: Will WoW Classic Miss One of The Burning Crusade's Most Memorable Moments?
Source: Twitch/zanthed1