Monday, 22 March 2021 13:00

Little Nightmares 2 Teacher Walkthrough | Game Rant

Written by Emma Majoros
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Little Nightmares 2's The School level features the terrifying Teacher. Here is a complete walkthrough for this enemy encounter.

As fans know, the first part of Little Nightmares was more of an overwhelming, philosophical journey of the mind, than a typical adventure game. Except for the player's reflexes and speed, it doesn't rely on active combat. This is why the sequel, Little Nightmares 2, was a big surprise for players everywhere.

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In this game, people actually have to use weapons and get creative when battling the enemy with the character Mono. New and more varied antagonists have been introduced, like the Hunter, the Students, the Patients, and the Teacher. Most people get stuck in the Teacher's classroom/study, spending a lot of time redoing the same chapter over and over again. To make this easier, here is a detailed walkthrough of this boss-fight.

After taking down the Hunter, players make their way into the school. The first encounter with the notorious Teacher will be in the classroom. When entering the classroom, players will see children at their desks and the Teacher writing on the board.

The Teacher always writes on the board in the same pattern. She turns the page, she writes, and always ends with a loud bang on the chalkboard. After this loud bang, she waits 1-2 seconds and then turns around to start the same loop. Realizing this, players should hide behind alternating desks during these repeated loops, getting closer to the door on the far right side.

Next to the classroom, there's a tiny room filled with tall drawer cabinets, and right in front of Mono, there's a bookshelf. On top of this shelf is a key, obviously, this is the goal in the room. What catches most players off guard is the fact that this entire bookshelf will fall if they try to climb it. If the players aren't fast enough, this will end in death.

Therefore, in order to get the key to fall down, players have to climb to the middle of the shelf, and quickly jump off, so it doesn't collapse onto them. Then, very quickly, they have to hide in the box in front of the drawer cabinets. The Teacher will come in, and present her disturbing skill for the first time: her horrifying neck. She will take a look around, retract the neck, and leave the room. At this time, players can grab the key, and leave in the direction of the classroom again, this time through the vent.

Back in the classroom, but from a different perspective. This might be difficult because of the camera settings of the game, for Mono is completely blocked out of view by the bookshelf. Players are seeing a new behavior of the Teacher, as now she's walking around between the aisles.

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Hiding under desks, players must make their way through without being seen. The Teacher will spend some time with each student, demonstrating some quite unsettling acts, like staring at them for an uncomfortable amount of time or slamming her ruler on the desk. After getting through the classroom once, this should be a piece of cake.

There's a mild combat scene in the room with the tied-up student. After that, players make their way through a vent into the attic/ceiling of what seems to be the storage room. The first thing to watch out for is knocking off the bottles when Mono lands on his feet. This seems to happen inevitably, so the first thing to do is to hide inside the box in the far left corner until the Teacher looks around.

After this, there will be a glass jar on the right beam that Mono has to pick up and place behind him without being heard. Getting over to the right side, players have to climb up the rope hanging from the attic. On the second floor of the ceiling, the Teacher is still a threat. On the far left side, there's a beam that needs to be thrown over to the other side to make a bridge. Now after this is done, players need to quickly hide in the box found at the near left corner to avoid being seen.

Going through a vent again is the poster-worthy library that everyone's afraid of. Using the rolling ladder, players can make their way up to the first bookshelf on the right, where they will knock off a few books that the Teacher will notice. As soon as possible start running to avoid being caught.

In the next phase of the library are the book towers. These towers are climbable in all directions. Jumping from one tower to another will cause the books on top to fall, and the Teacher will start looking for Mono. Using the sideways maneuvers, players have to avoid being seen. After she retracts her neck, Mono must stay on the lefthand side of the tower, for the Teacher will walk towards the right side and check from there as well. After she leaves the library, players can use a box to reach the door handle.

After the library, players make their way through the dining hall using a defeated student's head, which is also a room that mostly focuses on students. Moving on through a storage room, players once again encounter the Teacher.

This room seems to be the science lab, and Mono needs to avoid being seen by hiding behind books and mason jars. At one point, Mono needs to jump from the table to the little window, and players shouldn't feel the need to rush here. Again, by noticing a pattern in the Teacher's behavior, they can choose the perfect timing for the jump. If done right, Mono can make his way through this room without being seen, and head to the vent.

After the science labs, comes the hallway massacre. After killing every student to stand in his way, Mono finds entrapped Six and resues her. Reunited again, they make their way to the Teacher's piano room. Here, again, players will notice a pattern. She plays loudly for a bit and then stops to write the notes down. While she's playing, Mono can do practically anything without being heard.

Using this to his advantage, Mono and Six can climb up to the vents, but this, the Teacher will hear, culminating in the most terrifying scene with this character. But this can't stop players, as they need to run as fast as they possibly can, to avoid the Teacher's head, breaking its way through the tight vents. After this, Mono and Six will safely land in the streets, and players can take a breath of fresh air, wishing farewell to the Teacher.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips You Should Know Before Starting Little Nightmares 2

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