Tuesday, 23 March 2021 14:30

Borderlands: 10 Tiny Tina Quotes That Are Truly Explosive

Written by Erik Petrovich
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In Gearbox's Borderlands series, Tiny Tina always has a lot of hilarious things to say. Which quotes define this explosives expert?

Borderlands 2's Tiny Tina is one of the most memorable characters in the series, to say the least. Her hilarious dialogue and quests immediately made an impact with players, so much so that she got her own DLC with Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep.

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Players who don't pay attention to her non-stop speedy dialogue might miss some of Tina's funniest and most iconic lines. Even though she is only 13 in Borderlands 2, this tea-party-loving explosives expert has quite the affinity for crude language and jokes a 13-year-old probably shouldn't know anything about.

10 Introducing Mushy Snugglebites and Felicia Sexopants

Soon upon meeting up with Tiny Tina in Borderlands 2, the player is introduced to her explosive friends Mushy Snugglebites and Felicia Sexopants. The two rabbits are stuffed with explosives, ready to go, but Tina needs the player to find "their badonkadonks" first.

Tina's Quote: "This here's Mushy Snugglebites, and this is Felicia Sexopants. These fiiiine-ass womens could stop that train for yas, but I'ma need their badonkadonks first, and they got stoled by the bandits a few days ago. Go get 'em!"

9 I'm A Little Teapot...

When the player gets everything Tina needs to put together the explosives, she waits until they leave her garage to close the door and get to work. If the player stands nearby, though, they can hear her sing a little tune while she rigs the two stuffed rabbits.

Tina's Quote: "I'm a little teapot, bloody and cut. Here is my handle and here is my butt.*explosion noise* Uh... whoops."

8 Starting The Tea Party

The quest to officially start Tiny Tina's tea party begins after the player lures Flesh-Stick back to Tina's hideaway. She sits Flesh-Stick in his seat, then it's up to the player to initiate the festivities, just not in the traditional sense. Flesh-Stick was directly responsible for the death of Tiny Tina's parent, so this is just the latter's form of justice.

Tina's Quote: "When you are ready to begin the Tea Party, please smack Mister Flesh-Stick in his b*tch face."

7 The Crumpocalypse

Tiny Tina might not come across that way, but she's something of a stereotypical princess under all of that hardened crazy skin. She loves tea parties, being girly, and has a special fondness for crumpets. She and Mordecai get into a talk about how it's not good for her to eat so many crumpets, which is apparently the only food Tiny Tina eats.

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Tina's Quote: "Gonna eat so many goddamn crumpets, it's going to be a Crumpocalypse."

6 Fangirling For A Murderer

Despite her inner princess ambitions, Tiny Tina also has a special fondness for mass murderers. Her upbringing was a little bit less than orthodox, to say the least, and she idolizes those who can match her insanity (save, perhaps, for Roland).

Tina's Quote: "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Do you know who just arrived in Beatdown? SULLY THE STABBER! He's my THIRD favorite mass-murderer in the ENTIRE WORLD! You HAVE to go get his autograph for me."

5 Borderlands 3 Tiny Tina Gets Deep

After such a rough life growing up on Pandora, one might think Tina learned a lot about things like human suffering and violence. In Borderlands 3, Tina is a grown-up, but she's still anything but mature or contemplative.

Tina's Quote: "You ever think about how many people we've killed? How many lives we've snuffed out, removing all hope for redemption? Condemning our victims to eternal judgment because of our petty whims and desire for loot and glory? Me neither b********tch!"

4 Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina Cuts Deep

When the player hands in the parts Tiny Tina needs to fix her explosive rabbits in Borderlands 2, she orders them out of the room so she can have some peace and quiet to work. The player can hear her sing the Little Teapot song, but if they don't leave and instead talk to Tina over and over again, she'll eventually threaten them.

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Tina's Quote: "Hey I told ya'z to get outta heeya, get out or do I gotta shank a b*tch?"

3 Burning All The Babies

Towards the end of the Tiny Tina arc in Borderlands 2, the player finally blows up the train with Mushy and Felicia that is supposed to be carrying a vault key. When one explosive misses the train and blows up the track, Tina's excitement gets the better of her.

Tina's Quote: "AHAHAHA! BURN ALL THE BABIES!" (It is not known which babies Tina is referring to).

2 Bombs Back At Sanctuary

Tiny Tina would be nothing without her strange, almost perverted sense of humor. Not everyone would think of explosives as sexy, but then again, Tiny Tina is an expert who finds it hard to control herself around bombs. In the Commander Lillith DLC, Tina shows up to provide explosive assistance.

Tina's Quote: "I left some reeaaal sexy bombs back on Sanctuary. Oh, just thinkin' bout 'em... come on, think about 'em with me. Yeeeeeah. Together now. Hohhhhh."

1 A Rap Song Tina Wrote

After blowing up the train carrying a vault key (and the track as well), the player must get up to the train to search its interior. While this part of the mission serves as a goodbye to Tiny Tina for a while in-game, it's fitting that she says something goofy as the player climbs up to the wreckage.

Tina's Quote: "Climb the pipe to the train or you'll go insane wut wut. That's a rap song I wrote."

NEXT: Borderlands 3: All Playable Characters, Ranked

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