Wednesday, 24 March 2021 15:26

Fallout 4: How to Wait to Pass the Time | Game Rant

Written by Anthony Puleo
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Waiting is an integral feature in any Fallout game that allows players to pass the time and heal from wounds, and Fallout 4 is no exception.

Whether it's an Elder Scrolls game or Fallout 4 the ability to wait is very important. Typically, this not only allows players to pass the time but also heals them back to full health and can remove other status effects as well. Unfortunately, waiting in this game isn't quite as simple as it is in Skyrim, so players won't be able to do it nearly as often. It's still fairly easy to do, it just requires players to find a chair to sit down in, as it seems that the Sole Survivor isn't keen on standing around in one spot for hours at a time.

Fallout 4 implements the waiting mechanic similarly to other Fallout or Elder Scrolls games with this one caveat. Like those other games, players can't wait while there are enemies nearby, while they are trespassing, while being irradiated, and the like. Despite these restrictions, waiting has unique uses in Fallout 4's survival mode.

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In order to wait, players will first need to sit down on a chair, bench, or couch. For this to work, the seat should be in a public and safe place, free of radiation and nearby enemies. If the area is one that the player can wait in, a wait indicator will appear at the bottom of the screen to allow players to wait. Press the appropriate button and the wait menu should appear. From here, players can choose how much time they'd like to pass. After the wait time is over, the player's health and stamina should be restored.

In Fallout 4's survival mode, the wait function has the curious side effect of preventing damage from hunger, thirst, disease, and the like. This means that if a player is starving to death but there's still time before their food restocks, they can use the wait command to safely pass the time. Likewise, if the character is inflicted by a disease, it can be circumvented by simply waiting for its duration. By the end of the waiting period, the disease will have run its course but the player won't have sustained any damage while waiting.

Naturally, this can also be used simply to pass the time, something players may want to do for a number of reasons. Certain shopkeepers will only operate during daytime hours, and there are also perks that increase the player's abilities depending on the time of day. While waiting may not be quite as easy as in previous games, players can still use this feature to their advantage.

Fallout 4 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Fallout 4: 8 Things Most Players Missed In The Mass Fusion Building

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