Wednesday, 24 March 2021 23:00

Skyrim: Everything You Need To Know About The Argonians

Written by Grey Ussery
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Argonians might be a bit of a mystery, but this is everything we know about them.

Within the Elder Scrolls universe, there are few races upon the continent of Tamriel that are as enigmatic and insular as the Argonians of Black Marsh. Or as they would put it, the Saxhleel of Argonia. That being said, despite being a major member of the Tamirelic Empire, it is quite surprising that most of their history and aspects are still mysterious.

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For those who are curious about the lore, or those who truly love to play as the beastfolk of Black Marsh, here are the essential facts any fan should know about Argonians in the Elder Scrolls franchise.

10 Descended From Trees

Besides the most evident characteristics, there is one main attribute of the Argonians that distinguishes them the most from the other races of Man, Mer, and Beastfolk in Tamriel. This attribute is that that they believe themselves to be descended from and are in some ways linked to, the sentient race of trees known as, the Hist.

There is some credence to this from an outside perspective as Argonians native to Black Marsh uses the sap of Hist trees for a variety of rituals, including ingestion which they claim gives them access to the trees' hive mind. This cannot be proven in other races though as the required amount to achieve this connection is poisonous to other races. The sap does affect their physiology though, as there are accounts of Argonians being able to alter their bodies with the sap, including changing their sex.

9 They Do Not Call Themselves Argonians

The Argonians, like any group of people with a distinct culture and history, have their own language. It is known as Jel, and it answers several questions about Argonian naming conventions. For example, the name "Argonian". The word comes from the Jel word for the name of their home province, Black Marsh. In Jel, it is known as Argonia. However, "Argonian" is an imperial term. The lizard-folk actually refer to themselves as the Saxhleel. The language of Jel being translated into the Empire's version of English is why some Argonians possess names like "Sees-All-Colors" or "Scouts-Many-Marshes". When translated, they follow either a "verb-adverb-noun" or "adjective-noun" structure.

8 Masters Of Guerilla Warfare

Due to the natural environment of their homeland and the incursion of different powers into their territory over the ages, the Argonians of Black Marsh have taken advantage of their physical and natural advantages to become known as the greatest guerilla fighters on the entire continent. Very few outsiders have ever penetrated to the deep, central, swamps of Black Marsh.

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Even Tiber Septim who established the most successful empire in Tamriel's history, only conquered the fringes of Black Marsh's territory, as he knew he would have great difficulty there in a military campaign, instead offering peace and inclusion through negotiation. Even still, the capital of Black Marsh, Helstrom, has never been invaded or conquered due to its central and impenetrable central location in the province.

7 Immune To Most Diseases And Poisons

Another positive of being native to a land filled with poisonous fauna/flora as well as being a breeding ground for a plethora of diseases is that one eventually becomes immune to most of the dangers. Indeed, one would be hard-pressed to try and kill an Argonian with any kind of plague or toxin. Their race has survived plagues that have wiped out or exiled other groups of people or cultures, such as the Kothringi, the Orma, and the Lilmothiit. Sometimes plagues even seem designed to benefit them, such as the Knahaten Flu of 2E 560, which infected and killed any creature in Black Marsh that was not reptilian in nature.

6 Insular And Secluded

To no surprise, given the restrictive nature of their homeland, Argonians are considered a rather insular and private people. While it is not necessarily forbidden for anyone to enter Black Marsh and learn about the Argonians themselves, it is necessary to survive the stay in the province first. Besides that though, the Argonians are actually quite private about aspects of their culture, especially anything that has to do with the Hist. One must remember that outside of any who worship the imperial pantheon, Argonians revere the Hist as their gods, progenitors, and their afterlife. It is only natural they would want to keep such a revered part of their culture private and intimate.

5 They Are Both Oviparous And Viviparous

Being reptiles, it could be considered a given fact that Argonians are oviparous or "egg-laying" creatures when it comes to reproductive methods. This assumption would be correct and many rituals involve or are centered around eggs being placed in the roots of Hist trees or for the young to drink their sap. However, it is known as well that Argonians can adapt to their environments and give live birth as viviparous beings when living in environments that would be ill-suited for eggs. Such as the colder northern provinces. Quite the helpful survival mechanic.

4 They Have A Long History Of Being Slaves

A more somber element in the history of the Argonians is the years of subjugation that generations of their people have experienced as slaves to the Dumner or Dark Elf people. Due to the proximity of Morrowind being just north of Black Marsh and the Dumner's ingrained sense of superiority over other races, especially one as "seemingly primitive" as the Argonians, it, unfortunately, makes sense that this series of events would follow suit.

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However, in recent history, not only have the Argonians become stronger as a people since the end of the Oblivion Crisis, having rallied to the defense of their province and even forcing the daedric invaders to retreat, but they have even declared independence from the Empire and retaken previously annexed lands that Morrowind had stolen from them. Any Argonian slaves that were encountered in this invasion were subsequently freed.

3 They Have A Variant Species

One of the lesser-known facts about the Argonians is the fact that they have another parallel species that are also considered Argonians who live in the deeper central swamps. They are known as the Naga and they more resemble puff adders than the lizard shapes of their kin and they also stand around 7-8ft tall on average. They have a more tribalistic society in comparison to the other peoples on the continent and even have a reputation as thugs and extortionists to anyone who enters their domain. Outside of that, they hardly interact with anyone outside of Black Marsh. The image featured above is from the Naga Bandits- Outlanders (mihail oldrim mod) by Skyrim modder, Mihail.

2 They Once Had An Advanced Civilization

Early Argonian history is shrouded greatly in mystery. It is believed they once had an advanced society though, possibly during the Merethic era, as indicated by the so-called Xamneer pyramids that dot the jungles and swamps of Black Marsh. These structures depict a society of great wealth and prosperity, of arts and culture. However, like many great civilizations, it one day fell, and the reason as to why remains a great mystery.

1 They Originally Have No Concept Of Time

Returning to the Jel language, scholars who have studied it note that the Argonians who grow up speaking it as their first language struggle with the concept of time. This is because the Jel language does not have temporal tense in its grammar. The word "time" does not even exist in the language as it is something that is never discussed. Traditionalists in Argonian culture believe moments like birth and death are the same moment. All of history and the events in one's life are one singular moment and it is only by ignoring this that people fabricate "the illusion of linear progression".

NEXT: Skyrim: 10 Amazing Quests You Should Complete Before The Elder Scrolls 6

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