Bendy and the Ink Machine first came out in 2017 and became one of the biggest indie horror games of the decade. Not long after, another game in the franchise, Bendy and the Dark Revival, was announced, but not a lot has been revealed in the past two years. This leaves fans that want to continue exploring this inky world with a lot of questions.
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For those that don't always keep up with Joey Drew Studios, some of their questions may have already been answered. Here are five things that have already been revealed, as well as five things that gamers are still questioning.
10 What We Know: The Game Is Still In Development

The most important thing for players to know is that Bendy and the Dark Revival is, in fact, still in development. Despite this, many believe that the game was cancelled for multiple reasons, such as it being delayed a couple of times and Joey Drew Studios, unfortunately, having to let a lot of their employees go. However, TheMeatly and some of the other developers have continuously let fans know that they are still working on the game through social media. It is expected to release later this year.
9 Question We Have: When Is The Game Releasing?

Though it has been confirmed that the game is going to come out this year, there are still nine months to go before 2021 comes to an end. Therefore, the game could release at any time, especially when it's unknown how much more work the developers need to put into it before it is completed. Even if it is not until the end of 2021, fans can rest assured that the wait will be worth it as TheMeatly has made it very clear that he and the rest of the team want to make Bendy and the Dark Revival better than their original game.
8 What We Know: There Aren't Going To Be Separate Chapters

A positive factor as to why the game was delayed is that everything in it will be launching at once. Bendy and the Ink Machine was divided into five chapters, each releasing a few months apart from each other before the game was actually finished. The first chapter was released in February 2017 and the last came out in October 2018, meaning that fans had to wait nearly two years to reach the end of the title.
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Instead of doing that again, the developers have decided to give this game one huge release. Players may have to wait a while longer to explore Joey Drew Studios again, but they'll get a bigger experience this time around.
7 Question We Have: How Long Will The Game Be?

The first two chapters of Bendy and the Ink Machine were much shorter than chapters 3-5. In total, however, the game was pretty short, only taking a few hours to beat, though players had multiple reasons to do everything over again. Seeing as how Bendy and the Dark Revival is releasing all of the chapters together, fans wonder if it will be around the same length as the first game, longer, or shorter. Especially due to how much has changed since development began, it's anybody's guess right now.
6 What We Know: There Will Be A New Main Character Named Audrey

Rather than playing as Henry again, fans will now play as Audrey, a brand new character that hasn't been introduced in the series yet. She is very mysterious and has a unique design, as well as a strange ability. In one of the trailers, she sneaks up behind Charley and touches him, which seems to greatly hurt him before he dematerializes. It will be interesting to learn how Audrey got this power and how it will be used by the players.
5 Question We Have: When And Where Does This Game Take Place?

It has been confirmed that Bendy and the Dark Revival is not a prequel nor a sequel to Bendy and the Ink Machine, leaving fans wondering when it will take place. As the ending of the original game revealed that everything was in a timeloop, and that events outside of this cycle are known through the spin-off games and books, there's a lot of possibilities for when this will take place in the series.
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As for the location, it is clearly Joey Drew Studios. But as new areas have been shown, this could mean that there were places in the building that players didn't go to in the first game, that these areas have changed depending on how long it has been between the two titles, or that Joey has a second studio.
4 What We Know: Players Can Save Whenever They'd Like

In the original title, players would save by finding a Punch Card Stand and interacting with it. This time around, it has been confirmed by Mike Mood that they will be able to save their progress whenever they want to. There will also be an autosave feature, allowing fans to play the game at their own pace much more easily.
3 Question We Have: What Platforms Will The Game Be Available On?

Originally, Bendy and the Ink Machine was only available on PC. However, after the last chapter released, it was ported to many other platforms. Fans can now play the first game on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and even mobile devices. There have also been a couple of spin-off games. Bendy In Nightmare Run can be played on mobile devices, as well as Boris and the Dark Survival, which is also available on PC. Because of this, Bendy and the Dark Revival is expected to release on PC and will probably come out on mobile devices too, though nothing is certain yet. The game will hopefully also come to consoles, though that isn't as likely.
2 What We Know: New Enemies Have Been Shown

From looking at trailers, fans can clearly tell that the enemies that are returning from the first title have been improved in just about every way. But what's even more excited is seeing enemies that are brand new, such as the one in the image above. As little gameplay has been shown, fans are eager to find out how they will fight these new enemies. Though the bosses in Bendy and the Ink Machine weren't too challenging nor the most fun, they were exciting, whether it be due to the fear they provided, like the Projectionist, or because of the story surrounding them, like Boris. What will be even more exciting than fighting enemies is battling bosses that are sure to provide an even greater thrill.
1 Question We Have: Which Characters Are Returning?

The original game already had a lot of interesting characters, and even more have been introduced in spin-offs. Bendy and Alice have already been revealed to return, if it wasn't obvious already, but who else will come back? It's highly likely that Boris will show up, even if it's a different incarnation than the ones from Bendy and the Ink Machine. It would also be shocking if Henry and Joey didn't show up. And seeing as how there are newer characters like Audrey, Nathan, and Dot in the franchise, there could be a lot more heroes and villains in the upcoming title.
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