For those who have never played Bioware's Mass Effect series, that latest release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is a remastered look at the original trilogy and all of its released DLC. It is the perfect way to experience Commander Shepard and the story of his rise against an intergalactic threat and almost unbeatable odds. For series veterans, it is a chance to experience all of their favorite moments again, this time with a new coat of paint and quality-of-life fixes. While the series contains many memorable moments of tense firefights, dramatic story arcs, and an almost impossible task placed before players, it also has its tender moments, grounding players in what Commander Shepard is really fighting for.
All three of the Mass Effect games have their own heartwarming moments. Brief interludes that shone a light onto different characters, their lives, love, and heartaches. Here are a few moments that really made the Mass Effect games something special.
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While many of the romance options have their moments, the only romance arc players can choose in all three games is the one with Liara T'Soni, the Asari scientist. While Liara did not make an appearance in Mass Effect 2 until the Shadow Broker DLC, Mass Effect players could stay loyal to her throughout the second game, making their reunion in the DLC that much more special. The entire romance arc is warm, affectionate, and lasting if players choose to stick with her until the end.
Wrex and Shepard start on a rocky footing in the original Mass Effect, though they grow to have mutual respect and fondness for one another. In Mass Effect 2, while all of Shepard's previous allies view him with suspicion, or worse, due to his involvement with Cerberus, Wrex warmly welcomes his old friend. The scene is brief but incredibly powerful as Wrex pushes his way through his guards to grasp Shepard's hand firmly. "Shepard. My friend."
Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, later known as Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, is hard not like. She's plucky, optimistic, and has a profound character arc through the three Mass Effect games. While there are many heartwarming moments with Tali over the course of three games, one that stands out is when Shepard finds her drinking and reflecting upon Miranda after the mission on Horizon. Here, a tipsy Tali explains how she can even drink with such a weak immune system. She then explains how while she never liked Miranda, she could respect her and the choices she made through life.
Garrus Vakarian is another character who stands beside Shepard in all three Mass Effect games. In Mass Effect 3, the two friends take a bit of time to relax, have a picnic, and do some illegal sniper practice while reminiscing about old times and teasing each other the way close friends do. During the scene, as the two take shots at canisters while trading witty banter, Mass Effect gives the player the option to either hit the next target or miss on purpose to stroke the Turian's ego a bit. No matter which option the player chooses, the scene wraps up with the two laughing and genuinely enjoying each other's company.
The Salarian race created the Genophage as a biological warfare agent against the Krogan, causing many of the race to be born sterile and unable to reproduce. Mordin, one of Shepard's allies and a brilliant scientist, even had a hand in modifying the Genophage when the Krogan began to build up a resistance to it. In Mass Effect 3, the players have the opportunity to cure the Genophage, freeing the Krogan from their curse, using a cure that Mordin perfects. As the Tuchanka mission starts to go south, Mordin sacrifices himself to help free the Krogan, anxiously singing a reprise to a modified "Major-General's Song," which he first performs in Mass Effect 2. While an incredibly tear-jerking scene, it also warms the heart knowing how deeply Mordin felt about finding and dispersing the cure for the Krogan affliction.
A final farewell, Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC provides a fitting end to the series in a final party with the surviving player characters from all three games. Touching scenes with just about everyone brings the series to a close, and not a dry eye is to be had. After countless hours, interactions, ups and downs, and a saved galaxy, the heroes earn a well-deserved rest to enjoy each other and mourn the fallen.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition contains Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, fully remastered with every single piece of DLC, save for one. With enhanced 4K visuals, tweaks to Mass Effect 1's combat system, and many more updates, Mass Effect Legendary Edition allows fans both new and old to experience Commander Shepard's saga in its entirety on modern gaming systems.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition releases May 14 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.