Every boss fight in Dark Souls 3 that includes multiple enemies can be a pain, with the Champion's Gravetender & Gravetender Greatwolf fight being one of the most hectic battles in the whole game. Not only does one always have to start the fight against a human NPC foe and 3 wolves, but a greatwolf also shows up part-way through the bout.
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This forces the Ashen One to slay their foes quickly as to not have their attention too divided against many fast-moving adversaries. Dispatching foes quickly is best done with a tactic that takes advantage of their weakness, be it by melee, spells, or otherwise. Against this pack of feral foes from the Ashes of Ariandel DLC, there are a few openings that the Ashen One can exploit for a better chance at victory.

The 3 regular wolves and the Champion's Gravetender all have average resistances to all types of damage (though are all susceptible to every status ailment except frost), therefore any weapon or spell can be used to dispatch them. This means that one should think about choosing an armament that can take advantage of the Gravetender Greatwolf's weaknesses, one of which is strike damage.
Since every foe in this fight is pretty fast, using a great hammer might not be the best idea, even if it can one-shot the wolves, for if one evades, it can leave the player vulnerable to counterattacks by the other adversaries. It is crucial to target the regular wolves first, as they go down the easiest. With any decent build and one-handed hammer, this should only take a few hits each.
After killing the wolves, take down the Champion's Gravetender, though be wary of his partner who shows up when he loses 50% of his HP. Focus on the NPC to get him out of the way. His Valorheart combos leave him vulnerable after one dodges them, so use these openings to strike back and he should go down fairly quickly, possibly even before the Gravetender Greatwolf gets within damage-dealing distance. Being aggressive will also force the AI of the NPC to rely on more defensive tactics. This boss is designed to do a lot of guard-breaking; by doing no blocking, one essentially robs the enemy of their best tactic.
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Finally, one must deal with the biggest threat: the Gravetender Greatwolf. This huge, lupine beast is remarkably fast and can unleash devastating attacks; such as a few charging maneuvers, head sweeps, and even frostbreathing. The best way to fight this aggressive adversary is to hit them on their flanks, by their hind legs, as this is the place they have the most trouble hitting the player. They will reposition fairly quickly, so be ready for a lot of running around. The pillars located in a corner of the area should be used as cover if one needs to heal. Landing 2 or 3 hits with a decent weapon at each opening should allow one to defeat the Greatwolf soon enough, as long as one doesn't overextend themselves or get hit too many times.

Every enemy in this boss fight is weak to bleed, therefore players running a Dexterity build can use one of the many katanas or curved swords in the game that apply this status ailment. These kinds of weapons also offer great mobility and relatively low stamina usage, allowing the Ashen One to keep up with the fast foes.
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Just keep in mind that the Gravetender Gravewolf is resistant to slash damage, making the bleed build-up a more crucial element for players using blades. One should use the same tactics as mentioned for hammer builds to avoid and assault the large beast as well as the other enemies.

Besides strike damage and some status ailments, the Greatwolf's only other weakness is fire damage. This makes them easy kindling for most pyromancer builds. Using the cover provided by the columned area, players should be able to cast Fire Orbs (or its better variants) at the biggest threat while being moderately safe.
Though, keep in mind that the enemy's frostbreathing attack can go through objects, meaning that the columns will provide no defense against it. One's flames should also be devastatingly effective on the other foes, particularly Boulder Heave, as it can wreck the small wolves quickly and stun-lock the Champion's Gravetender.

Since this fight contains enemies who are all susceptible to both poison and toxic, pyromancers will also have easy access to a particularly deadly method of achieving victory. The Poison Mist and Toxic Mist spells may take a little while to kill each foe, so it would be better to kill the small wolves with another spell first before using status conditions on the Champion's Gravtender and the Gravetender Greatwolf.
The columns can be used again for cover, though, much like how the Greatwolf's frostbreath attack ignores them, so will the player's sinister miasmas. Those capable of wielding the Storyteller's Staff should bring it to this fight, as its weapon skill is essentially identical to the Poison Mist spell. This would allow one to cast Toxic Mist and then use the weapon skill to apply both of the foul status conditions without even needing to switch spells. Together, these afflictions will decimate the boss's HP in no time.