Sunday, 28 March 2021 11:44

Magic Legends Tweaks Monetization After Harsh Beta Feedback

Written by Denny Connolly
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Magic Legends releases its week one notes and makes some positive changes to the game's monetization system after receiving player feedback.

Magic Legends is just a week into its open beta period and there's no denying that the free to play ARPG is receiving a ton of feedback from the playerbase. Although many fans are definitely excited to finally get their hands on an early build of the game, there have been some vocal criticisms about some parts of the game.

The spam-filled Magic Legends chat window and the game's performance have both come under fire and the first week of beta notes definitely captures that the feedback is being heard. Some minor performance changes have already rolled out and there are plans for how to handle the bigger issues. Even so, all of that has largely been overshadowed by some complaints about the game's monetization system and some of the paywalled content.

RELATED: Magic Legends: How to Play with Friends

Luckily, the devs seem to be listening on this front as well and some minor changes are already being rolled out to try and make things a bit more fair. The first round of changes adds the ability for players to unlock both the Dimir Assassin class and the Nightveil Stalker spells by advancing to level 50 of the Battlepass track - even on the free tier. This is definitely good news for players who don't want to spend money on the game, though it will still require a serious and lengthy grind.

Details from executive producer Steve Ricossa's week one notes on the Dimir Assassin and other tweaks can be found right here...

"A big part of Open Beta is developing an understanding of how best to provide valuable content to players - and we hear you. The Dimir Assassin class unlock (and the Nightveil Stalker spell) will now also be unlocked at level 50 of both the Free and Premium Battlepass tracks, so that all players can access this class entirely through gameplay."

"Now that there are literally hundreds of thousands of players in the game, we’re discovering performance issues that are impacting the play experience for many players. Some of these issues are simpler in scope and allow for fixes to be made almost immediately. We’ve made some tuning adjustments on the server side to better handle the load on maps, but we’ve also made data changes to cull some excessive entities that were making the game burn framerate unnecessarily. Some of the more complicated issues revolve around our navmesh system which provides collision for you to walk on as well as pathing for your summons and the enemies they’re fighting. We’ve already made two updates this past week to make improvements to client performance, but we’ll continue to refine this system to free up those frames and make the game play as smooth as possible."

It's great to see so much communication with the community right from the start of the open beta period, so hopefully this trend continues as the game grows and move improvements are made. There's a lot of potential with the Magic class system and the multiverse setting, so hopefully the game continues improving and sticks around for a long time.

Magic Legends is still just at the start of its open beta period, so hopefully the developers continue listening closely and compiling a long list of features to improve the game's current experience.

Magic: Legends is available now as an open beta on PC, and releases fully in 2021 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Is Magic: Legends Multiplayer?

Source: Play Magic Legends

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