Monday, 29 March 2021 18:00

Warframe: How to Get Blind Rage | Game Rant

Written by John Higgs
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Blind Rage is one of the most useful mods in Warframe, but to get a chance at looting it, players will have to suffer some heavy penalties.

It's been eight years now since the launch of Warframe, the free-to-play action-RPG from Digital Extremes. Over that time, the game has received ten major expansions, and Digital Extremes has been praised for its constant updates. Each new expansion has brought new weapons, warframes, and mods for Warframe's players to use.

One of the most useful Warframe mods is Blind Rage, which has remained largely unchanged since its 2013 release. Blind Rage is notable for the huge bonus to Ability Strength that it offers; however, this is balanced by an equally substantial penalty to Ability Efficiency.  The mod has ten possible ranks, ranging from a +9% to a +99% Ability Strength bonus. Here's how to find it.

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There's only one way to obtain the Blind Rage mod in Warframe, and that's in Orokin Vaults. Added at the same time as the mod, the Orokin Vaults are found only in the Orokin Derelict tileset on Warframe's Deimos missions. All Deimos missions, except for Defense, Assassination, and Landscape, always contain a single vault. To open a vault, players will need one of four Dragon Keys.

These keys are crafted through Blueprints obtained at the Clan Dojo's Orokin Lab, which are reusable. Each Vault requires a specific Dragon Key to unlock,  which will be consumed in the process. Dragon Keys are carried in Warframe's Gear slot, and come with substantial penalties for holding them:

  • Bleeding Key: -75% Health
  • Decaying Key: -75% Shield
  • Extinguishing Key: -75% Damage
  • Hobbled Key: -50% Speed

Because the Dragon Keys are so dangerous to carry, it's recommended to farm Orokin Vaults with a four-person team. While one player can theoretically carry all four of the keys themselves, it's much less efficient to do so in terms of speed-running. The Dragon Keys can be divided equally over the four-person team, ensuring that each player only has a single debuff to deal with.

Alternatively, players might choose to give all of the keys to a single player. While this will weaken them considerably, the rest of the team will be able to protect them at full strength. For players who would prefer to run Vaults in Warframe solo, it's possible to do so with the Operator after completing The War Within mission. Most of the Operator's Amp compositions are strong enough to deal with Warframe's Deimos enemies, and their Void abilities will allow them to quickly traverse the map.

Warframe is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Xbox One. An Xbox Series X/S version is also in development.

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