Destiny 2’s latest Strike mission, Proving Ground, was recently added to Nessus and has unlocked several new triumph challenges for Guardians to complete. The “Eliminate Caiatl’s Cabal” triumph requires players to hunt down 10 elite Cabal soldiers that have a chance of appearing throughout the Proving Ground Strike, with the Incendior Val Cunqu’us being one of the names for players to cross off their lists.
Now that Proving Ground is available to all Destiny 2 players, it is this week’s Nightfall Strike, which means any high power level players can give the Grandmaster version a go. Double Nightfall rewards are also available this week, so players have a good chance of getting the Nightfall-exclusive Palindrome Hand Cannon on any Nightfall difficulty.
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To successfully remove the Cabal targets from the list, players do not have to get the final blow or solo-kill each one – they only need to contribute towards the kill. Players should therefore coordinate with teammates and call out any targets they spot so that everyone can work together for the kill.
Val Cunqu’us is a large Incendior enemy with a purple Void shield. He has a chance of spawning in the second part of the vehicle bay encounter inside Empress Caiatl’s Land Tank. After players clear the room of Interceptors and Cabal soldiers, some large doors at the back of the hangar will open and two Goliath Tanks and more Cabal soldiers will pour into the room. Val Cunqu’us may spawn during this part of the vehicle bay encounter and tends to spawn towards the back of the room near the Goliath Tanks. Val Trekitus also has a chance of spawning at this point.

As with other high-value Cabal targets in the vehicle bay encounter, it is not guaranteed that Val Cunqu’us will spawn at all and a Halphas Honorguard Centurion may spawn instead. If this happens, players will need to run Proving Ground several more times to find all the targets. Fortunately, there is a seasonal challenge from week 7 that requires players to run Proving Ground three times, so any players that have not already completed that challenge can earn a lot of XP.
Eight other Cabal targets need to be killed to complete this triumph, which is also one of the 10 triumphs required to unlock the Season of the Chosen Seal and Title. The Chosen Seal also requires players to complete all seven parts of the seasonal narrative quest, which has the Proving Ground Strike as its finale.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light and the new Season of the Chosen are available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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