Monday, 29 March 2021 23:00

Snyder Cut: Every Member Of The Justice League, Ranked By Strength

Written by Renan Fontes
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Every member of Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a well developed character with their own unique skill set to help out the team.

DC’s champions, the Justice League come together to defend their universe (and sometimes multiverse) whenever the occasion calls. Unlike the MCU which gradually built to the Avengers, the DCEU wanted to introduce its Justice League more or less immediately. While Joss Whedon’s theatrical cut showed why this was such a bad idea on paper, Justice League’s Snyder Cut proved that the DCEU could have introduced an entire team’s worth of characters in a single movie.

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Every member of Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a well developed character with their own unique skill set to help out the team. They’re not all created equal, however. In a team comprised primarily of Metahuman (but not entirely), not every member of the Justice League is on equal footing even if they all ultimately pull their weight. 

6 Bruce Wayne (Batman)

The only non Metahuman on the Justice League, Bruce Wayne’s only superpower is that he’s obscenely rich… and one of the single strongest human beings on the planet. What Bruce Wayne can accomplish as Batman goes far beyond the average person’s capabilities, but he still pales in comparison to the rest of the League. While Batman manages to fight Superman to near defeat in Dawn of Justice, he’s heavily armored and uses sneak attacks to stay alive. 

Compared to the rest of the Justice League, Batman just isn’t on their level. In his regular Batsuit and deprived of a leg up on his opponents, there’s only so much Bruce can do to keep up. For what it’s worth, his gadgets do cut the distance and benefit the team considerably. Batman’s tank is a vital asset in the League’s first confrontation with Steppenwolf, his gauntlets ultimately save his life fighting Superman, and his gear plays a pivotal role in giving the rest of the League an opportunity to save the day. Batman may not be the strongest member of the Justice League, but he’s a team player through and through. 

5 Victor Stone (Cyborg)

As mentioned by Silas in the Snyder Cut, Cyborg has the potential to influence the entire world around him. As a singular being, Cyborg is on another level entirely. He has complete access to the world’s tech, which in turn gives him access to money, medicine, and the planet’s toughest security systems. There’s very little Cyborg can’t do and he’s bound to become one of the strongest members of the Justice League with time. 

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It’s worth pointing out, however, that Cyborg is still at the start of his superhero career during the Snyder Cut. He may be a member of the Justice League (and a supremely powerful one at that), but he’s arguably the least skilled fighter on the team. Victor mainly pulls his weight through his tech and attached weaponry, allowing him to pull off seamless feats his teammates cannot. Even then, Cyborg helps save the day by hacking into the Mother Boxes with Superman to stop Steppenwolf. 

4 Barry Allen (The Flash)

Like Cyborg, Barry Allen has a lot of potential as The Flash, but he’s not quite there yet. Unlike in Joss Whedon’s theatrical cut where Barry was an incompetent hero who Batman had to force to save someone, Zack Snyder’s Flash knows what he’s doing – he’s just inexperienced and doesn’t have a social circle to guide him. Barry’s arc in Justice League is all about finding a home on the team and becoming a vital team player who doesn’t do everything alone. 

The Flash is able to turn back time and stop Steppenwolf, but only because the League buys him time. The DCEU’s Flash will surely only get more powerful, as the end of the Snyder Cut already showed him manipulating the very fabric of reality via the Speed Force. The Flash’s powers are near limitless and what he can accomplish through the Speed Force will eventually make him the singlest strongest member of the Justice League. Whether or not Barry will want to break his rules to do so is another question entirely, however. 

3 Arthur Curry (Aquaman)

Atlanteans are some of the strongest Metahumans in the DCEU, something that is put on full display in James Wan’s Aquaman. Despite being Arthur Curry’s title film, his debut was actually in Batman V Superman, with Justice League fleshing out his character. The Snyder Cut depicts a quieter, albeit mature Aquaman who knows he needs to work with the Justice League to stop Steppenwolf. He’s aloof, but he doesn’t hide the fact that he cares. More importantly, Aquaman is ferociously strong. 

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It goes without saying that Aquaman is most in his element underwater, but he pulls off some incredible feats on land, as well. Arthur manages to be a valuable asset in the fight against Steppenwolf without surfing water through a residential building people like through. He’s a physical powerhouse whose acrobatics in and out of water make him a genuine threat. The sight of Arthur impaling Steppenwolf with his trident before throwing him towards Diana for the kill really puts into perspective how vicious Aquaman can be. 

2 Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)

Wonder Woman was first introduced to the DCEU in Batman V Superman, joining the fight against Doomsday for the finale. While the battle itself is far from the movie’s best, it was clear that Wonder Woman was just as capable as Batman and Superman – if not more so in the grand scheme of things. Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman clarified that Diana was the legendary Godkiller, imbued with power that goes far beyond that of a mere Metahuman. 

An Amazon, Diana is also incredibly skilled with a sword, shield, and lasso, pulling off some of the most impressive fight choreography in Zack Snyder’s Justice League. While Wonder Woman isn’t quite on Kryptonian levels of strength, she’s without a doubt the single best fighter in the Justice League. Diana knows how to carry her weight in a battle and what it takes to put down her foes. It’s really no surprised Wonder Woman ends up beheading Steppenwolf in the end. 

1 Clark Kent (Superman)

Considering most of the Snyder Cut is dedicated to bringing Clark Kent back to life, it goes without saying that Superman is the strongest member of the Justice League. Batman had to resort to sneak attacks and basically cheating just to make Superman bleed back in Dawn of Justice. It takes a literal doomsday scenario just to kill Clark, and that’s after he survives a nuclear blast in outer space. Superman is a god among men. 

Superman’s powers are put on full display when he finally joins the battle against Steppenwolf at the end of the movie. After watching the Justice League struggle for so long, audiences are treated to an outstanding thrashing where Superman just beats Steppenwolf into submission. In a display of raw power, Clark Kent subdues a threat five members of the Justice League couldn’t handle together. 

Next: Batman V Superman: 10 Ways The Ultimate Edition Fixes Dawn of Justice

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