Tuesday, 30 March 2021 18:04

Biden Administration Unveils Plan to Give All Americans Access to Broadband Internet

Written by Trevor Edwards
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The Biden Administration is unveiling plans to invest billions of dollars into giving all Americans access to broadband internet.

As part of a major spending proposal, the Biden Administration is making plans to bring broadband internet access to all Americans. The idea comes as part of a larger spending initiative, called the American Jobs Plan.

As it currently stands about 35 percent (over 30 million) US citizens throughout the country are without access to what is deemed as "minimally acceptable speeds." Should the Biden Administration's plan move forward, the country will have a fully-fledged modern internet infrastructure in place.

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In a statement from the White House, broadband internet is posited as "the new electricity." It goes on to explain how modern internet is a necessary component for Americans to do their jobs, equally participate in school learning, healthcare, and generally staying connected. The need for fast and reliable internet connections has become especially prevalent over the course of the past year, when many companies including gaming giant Square Enix shifted to a work-from-home model in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Biden plan proposes to invest $100 billion into the endeavor, prioritizing the support for networks operated by the government, cooperatives, and non-profits in order to "better promote competition."

The plan will have an extended rollout implemented over the course of eight years, and will also include traditional infrastructure projects. The Mario Kart-playing President's plan will provide subsidies in the short-term to help those otherwise couldn't afford broadband internet prices. The White House statement adds Americans pay too much for their internet, "much more than people in many other countries," an issue Biden says he's committed to working on with the US Congress. It should be noted that this is a separate proposition from the Accessible, Affordable Internet for All Act introduced by Amy Klobuchar and James E. Cyburn, which itself would cost roughly $94 billion.

The past year has revealed just how crucial having a fast and reliable internet connection is for people all over the country, let alone the entire world. This is something that appears to be at the forefront of the current President's agenda, especially after dropping challenges to California's net neutrality law. The former Trump Administration had repealed the national net neutrality laws in place in 2018, spurning the golden state to create its own to maintain "fair" usage. This led to an in-limbo lawsuit between California and the federal government before the challenges were dropped, a sign many see as the first step to restoring neutrality nationwide.

The Biden Administration's plan to establish a faster, better internet infrastructure is a cause the majority of Americans can get behind. However, some users may be wary of utilizing internet service through government-run means. For those looking for a more privatized service, Tesla founder and entrepreneur Elon Musk's Starlink satellite internet is expected to double its speed this year, with a goal of reaching 300 Mbps.

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Source: GameSpot

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