One Destiny 2 mod has become a hotly requested item from fans looking to enhance their multiplayer experience that can easily give a team the "Charged with Light" buff. Players now have the chance to guarantee receiving this Charged with Light mod through the Gunsmith store for the first time since September of last year.
The mod in question is Powerful Friends, a mod that allows players to spread their "Charged with Light" status out to nearby allies whenever they receive the buff. These Charged with Light mods can be an important part of any build, and giving Destiny 2 players the chance to pass the buff onto allies can keep certain builds working with incredible synergy together.
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For some players, seeing Powerful Friends appear in Banshee-44's store is huge, considering the rarity that the item has for both its drop rate as well as how long it has been since arriving at the Gunsmith. According to the Banshee-44 Daily Mod Twitter bot, this mod reportedly has had a drop rate of 0.82% over the course of the last year of Destiny 2 activities. Additionally, this Charged with Light mod has only been seen in Banshee-44's store three times in the last year, with the latest opportunity before now coming way back on September 22nd of 2020.
Players have quickly flocked to Banshee-44 as a result, since the mod has become a familiar point of contention for players rubbing up against the RNG of Destiny 2 doling out rare equipment. Likewise, many of the comments on the Banshee-44 Twitter bot's post, including from the account itself, have been in celebration of Powerful Friends finally being available to all players. So, now is the best chance to rush over to the Gunsmith and add the powerful mod to their collection after months of hoping for the low drop rate to reward players at random.
Rare gear is nothing new to Bungie's Looter Shooter, with players often looking for "God rolls" in Destiny 2, or sometimes highly coveted exotic weapons that become major parts of the meta. A byproduct of the RNG that determines loot drops and the rarity of items often means that players can find themselves hunting down specific pieces of gear or mods over the course of weeks or even months of gameplay. This makes sales like Banshee-44's current stock a huge deal for players looking to even the playing field between themselves and other luckier players who were fortunate enough to receive the drops.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.