Wednesday, 31 March 2021 14:15

Hearthstone: How to Play Classic Miracle Rogue | Game Rant

Written by Daniel Chan
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Hearthstone players in Classic format can master the iconic and powerful Miracle Rogue deck by keeping several tips in mind during a match.

While Hearthstone has just released its Forged in the Barrens Expansion, the Year of the Gryphon brings a slew of other changes to the popular trading card game. Though most of these adjustments are aimed at standard mode, the new classic format gives players a chance to go back and experience Hearthstone in 2014. With many cards returned to their original state, older veterans once again have a chance to play memorable decks including the iconic miracle rogue.

Discovered soon after release, Miracle Rogue would become one of the most versatile decks in the game's history. Combining the ability to draw most of the deck and set up ridiculous one-turn KOs, this deck won many tournaments in the hands of players such as Forsen. However, as Hearthstone continued to evolve, powercreep and nerfing many key cards meant Miracle Rogue could barely keep up with competition before falling out of the meta. Fortunately, the return of classic means Miracle Rogue's full potential has finally returned.

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Compared to other popular classic decks, most of the Miracle Rogue components can be obtained for free or relatively cheap.

  • Backstab x2
  • Preparation x2
  • Shadowstep x2
  • Cold Blood x1
  • Conceal x2
  • Deadly Poison x2
  • Blade Flurry x1
  • Bloodmage Thalnos
  • Eviscerate x2
  • Sap x2
  • Shiv x2
  • Earthen Ring Farseer x2
  • Edwin Vancleef
  • Fan of Knives x2
  • SI:7 Agent x2
  • Leeroy Jenkins
  • Azure Drake
  • Gadgetzan Auctioneer x2

Miracle Rogue players should try to get Backstab, SI:7 Agent, or Gadgetzan Auctioneer in their starting hands. Backstab and SI:7 both give invaluable board control against low health minions early on while the latter is also a 3/3 minion. On the other hand, Gadgetzan Auctioneer is the keystone for Miracle Rogue to draw its entire deck, and getting it too late means the match will likely end in defeat.

Use the Dagger Mastery Hero Power along with Backstab, Deadly Poison, and other spells to keep the enemy board clear of minions. Putting down Hearthstone minions like Earthern Ring Farseer, SI:7 Agent, or even Bloodmage Thalnos will also force the other player to spend time removing them. Alternatively, getting an early Edwin Vancleef buffed to 4/4 or even 6/6 through the right combo should be enough of a distraction for several turns.

The most infamous and well-known finisher from Miracle Rogue revolves around combining Leeroy Jenkins and both Shadowsteps to deal at least 18 damage to the enemy player in one turn. However, the deck's namesake comes from using Gadgetzan Auctioneer's ability to draw a card each time a spell is cast.

Players must be looking to play Gadgetzan Auctioneer with Conceal on turn 5 if they have the Coin or turn 6 otherwise. If the Auctioneer survives, use remaining lower cost spells such as Backstab and Deadly Poison first followed by Preparation and higher cost spells. On the next turn, the concealed Auctioneer and other minions along with Leeroy as well as any remaining spells should be enough to push for lethal.

Hearthstone is available on PC and Mobile.

MORE: Hearthstone is About to Feel Like a Brand New Game

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