Wednesday, 31 March 2021 20:00

Justice League: Every Member Of Batman’s Resistance, Ranked By Strength

Written by Renan Fontes
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The Justice League are in shambles in the Knightmare, leaving it to Batman and some unlikely allies to course correct their broken future.

It didn’t take long for the DCEU to establish a considerably darker tone than the MCU. With the second movie in the franchise – Batman V Superman – audiences were already introduced to a post-apocalyptic wasteland called the Knightmare. In the Knightmare, Batman leads an Insurgency Resistance against Superman and his Parademons, which Zack Snyder’s Justice League has clarified are under the influence of Darkseid. 

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While Justice League primarily focuses on bringing Superman back to life, fans get a glimpse of the Knightmare at the end of the Snyder Cut. The Justice League are in shambles in the Knightmare, leaving it to Batman and some unlikely allies to course correct their broken future. Unlike the real Justice League, however, Batman’s Resistance is lacking in Metahumans. 

6 The Joker

The Joker is strong, cunning, and deviously intelligent, but he’s still just a man at the end of the day. Realistically, The Joker wouldn’t be much help in the Knightmare, but Batman can’t exactly be choosy in the post-apocalypse. This is highlighted perfectly by their dynamic, where The Joker is free to egg Batman on (even mocking him about Robin’s death) without so much as retaliation. The Joker may not be strong, but Batman needs him. 

In a sense, that may be why Zack Snyder includes The Joker in Batman’s Resistance. The Joker’s presence, while fanservicey by nature, does show audiences how far gone the world is. Batman quite literally needs to work with his greatest enemy just to survive. It also shows growth on Bruce’s part, putting aside past animosities in the hopes of saving the future. All the same, there’s little The Joker could actually do against Superman and his Para-Demons. 

5 Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)

Deathstroke was intended as the main villain for Ben Affleck’s solo Batman movie before it was reworked into The Batman starring Robert Pattinson. While Slade Wilson has yet to do too much in the DCEU, he made a surprise appearance as a member of Batman’s Resistance in the Knightmare. Like The Joker, Deathstroke’s presence places emphasis on the fact Batman can’t be picky with his allies. Unlike the Joker, Deathstroke can actually be a valuable asset. 

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An extremely skilled mercenary with a high death count, Deathstroke is a master killer. He may not be a metahuman, but he can beat Batman at his own game. In fact, Batman’s solo movie would have had Deathstroke coming dangerously close to taking down Bruce Wayne and the mantle of the Bat altogether. While Batman is stronger than Slade at the end of the day, it’s no surprise Bruce would look to Deathstroke for help in the Knightmare.  

4 Bruce Wayne (Batman)

Batman is the brains of the Insurgency in the Knightmare, but he’s still just a man. Unlike in Dawn of Justice, it doesn’t seem like Bruce has managed to keep his best gear on him either. Batman is missing his power armor, Kryptonite, and all the other gadgets he used to keep Superman at bay. At the same time, Batman’s managed to stay alive for quite a long time it seems – albeit having to adopt guns in the process. No matter how strong Batman is, there’s just not much he can do other than lead.

Batman V Superman shows that while Bruce is capable enough to fight off a few Para-Demons, he’s far from a one man army and it doesn’t take much to subdue him. Going off Dawn of Justice, Superman eventually kills Batman and ends his Insurgency (although it’s implied The Flash’s time traveling will inevitably set things right). A lifetime of martial arts training and studying with the smartest minds means Bruce has what it takes to survive in the Knightmare – but not forever. 

3 Victor Stone (Cyborg)

His life saved with the power of a Mother Box, Victor Stone was transformed into Cyborg: one of the single most powerful beings in the DCEU. Cyborg has complete control over the world’s technology, consequently giving him control over medicine, money, and the very foundation of society. Cyborg’s body can also augment itself into powerful weaponry along with allowing him to fly, essentially making Victor Stone a jack of all trades superhero who doesn’t have any real flaws (other than a bit of inexperience). 

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Society’s collapse does mean Cyborg’s resource control wouldn’t pay off in the Knightmare, but he could realistically use his hacking to keep track of Superman’s location. More importantly, Cyborg’s body allows him to function as a living weapon. Considering both Aquaman and Wonder Woman are dead in the Knightmare, Cyborg would naturally have to be pulling his weight to survive so long. It wouldn’t be surprising if Victor had the highest Para-Demon kill count. 

2 Princess Y’Mera Xebella Challa (Mera)

The Snyder Cut reveals the fate of the entire Justice League in the Knightmare: Superman is seemingly corrupted by the Anti-Life Equation, Wonder Woman dies in battle, Aquaman is killed by Darkseid, and Batman, The Flash, and Cyborg all form an Insurgency with The Joker, Deathstroke, and Mera – Aquaman’s paramour. An Atlantean Metahuman, Mera has control over water and was actually seen draining Steppenwolf’s blood during The Snyder Cut. She’s also a physical powerhouse on par with Aquaman, if not stronger by the Knightmare. 

It’s also worth pointing out that Mera is wielding the Trident of Neptune, likely having inherited it following Arthur’s death. Mera may not have access to water, but draining blood would come in handy against Para-Demons, as would the Trident itself. Mera is well equipped with some of the strongest weapons and skills in Batman’s Insurgency. Unfortunately, the lack of water on Earth would come as a disadvantage and Mera seems quite shaken by Aquaman’s death – to the point she wants to fight Darkseid prematurely. 

1 Barry Allen (The Flash)

Barry Allen has the potential to be the single strongest being in the DCEU. What The Flash can accomplish through the Speed Force goes beyond anything other Metahumans can do. Batman’s simplification of The Flash being fast doesn’t sell what Barry is capable of. His sheer speed gives him a level of strength arguably comparable to Superman. While Barry is slightly inexperienced as The Flash in the Snyder Cut proper, he clearly comes into his own by the end. 

It goes without saying that The Flash would be the single most useful hero in the Future. Going off of Batman V Superman, it seems The Flash would have ultimately been the last man standing, going back in time to change the very fabric of the DCEU. Realistically, Barry Allen could probably survive in the Knightmare alone. Superman can move in the Speed Force, but The Flash should already have mastered his powers by the Knightmare. More importantly, he’d be fine breaking his own rules. 

Next: Justice League: 5 Reasons To Watch The Snyder Cut (& 5 To Skip It)

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