Wednesday, 31 March 2021 19:30

Bravely Default 2: 8 Things Everyone Missed In The Story

Written by Matthew D'Onofrio
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Bravely Default 2 tells a pretty straightforward narrative, but it manages to sneak some things in that might've gone over your head.

Bravely Default II is a JRPG video game that came out in February 2021 on the Nintendo Switch. It is the third entry in the Bravely series, following Bravely Second: End Layer in April 2015 and Bravely Default in October 2012. The game was developed by Claytechworks and published by Square Enix as well as Nintendo themselves.

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There is plenty of things easily missed while playing through the story of Bravely Default II. The world of Excillant is filled with many different characters and creatures, some of which the player might have avoided by accident because they were not mandatory. While defeating the Night's Nexus is ultimately the main mission, there is plenty more to do and other parts of the story to learn about.

8 Hesitating When Accepting The Crystal's Offer

During the prologue of the game, Seth is blessed with the presence of the Wind Crystal. It communicates with him, telling Seth he died but can be revived. Upon coming back to life, he gains the power to use Special Abilities and the game truly begins.

However, if the player declines the offer from the Wind Crystal, the game actually ends right then and there. "Game Over." They have to start over (and accept) to progress.

7 Shirley, The Gambler

During Chapter 1, the player must fight the bosses Orpheus, Anihal, Bernard, and Prince Castor. There is actually another boss, although she is optional. It is none other than Shirley, the bearer of the Gambler Asterisk.

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The thing about this boss battle is that a lot of it is based purely on luck. She spins a roulette when using her moves and whatever the result is affects how much damage is dealt to the party. Shirley brings backup too; her goons and Orpheus himself participate in the fight during the first phase. While in the second phase, however, it is just her.

6 The Golems Of Wiswald's Magic Institute

"Statuelike monsters that are animated by a curious force. They tend to appear in places filled with magical energy."

When the player gets to the Magic Institute in Wiswald during Chapter 2, they will encounter Golems (on the second and third floors). While it seems farfetched, the player can actually capture them (even though they are not beasts or even animals) if one of the members of the party is a Beastmaster. The Golem's attack, Megaton Punch, is an insanely powerful single-target physical attack too that can be unleashed via the Off the Chain ability.

5 In Your Dreams, Glenn

There is a sidequest in Chapter 3 called "In Dreams" where the player speaks with the brother of the Mayor of Enderno. They must gather some luneclover. If completed, the player is rewarded with a Large Experience Orb.

Moreover, if they finish this sidequest before progressing the plot in Enderno, the player will encounter a secret boss, Glenn, which is possible through his brother's dreams. He can inflict Contagion on the party as well as counter physical attacks by using Philtre and counter magical attacks by using BP Tonic.

4 Wiswald Or Savalon Or Halcyonia

In Chapter 4, there are three routes (before the player enters Holograd City): Wiswald, Savalon, or Halcyonia. What they do not realize is these routes can be done in any order. Once the player chooses a route though they cannot exit, the player must defeat the boss at the end of the level. And all three routes must be completed.

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The boss in the Wiswald route is Vigintio, an undead wizard who posseses the Arcanist Asterisk. At the finale of the Savalon route is Marla, a female spy who possesses the Phantom Asterisk. The route in Halcyonia features Lonsdale as the boss; he is an armored man who possesses the Bastion Asterisk.

3 Let Those Credits Roll

The player will journey into four different Crystal Rooms for Chapter 5: the Wind Room, the Fire Room, the Water Room, and the Earth Room. After killing Asura in the Wind Room, Catoblepas in the Fire Room, Genbu in the Water Room, and Immortal in the Earth Room, they fight Edna. After Edna is defeated, the credits will start rolling (signifying the game has ended).

If the player watches or skips the credits entirely and then saves their game following the last cutscene, they unlock — in addition to the Halls of Tribulation — Chapter 6. This is technically a hidden chapter in the game. It is the one where the player battles The Night's Nexus, the main antagonist of the game.

2 Sir Sloan And The True Ending

Just like Chapter 5, the player must save their game and reload following defeating The Night's Nexus boss fight in Chapter 6. This unlocks the Vale of Sighs. Here, they will encounter Sir Sloan.

Sir Sloan will use Victory Smite to destroy a party member or Microgravity on the entire party to deal massive physical damage. In addition, he gains BP himself and reduces the party's BP. Sir Sloan also can counter both magic attacks and physical attacks. But if the player defeats this hidden boss, they will get the true ending of the game.

1 New Game+ And Gwydion

After completing the True Ending on the game, the player unlocks New Game+. This means they carry over a lot of content when running through the game again. After defeating Adam in the Valley of Sighs, the player sees a unique ending.

On top of this, there is the biggest boss of all the bosses in the entire game to fight. In Rimedhal's graveyard is Gwydion, the dragon that Adam "killed." It is the true hidden final boss of the game.

NEXT: Bravely Default 2: 10 Unanswered Questions We Want Resolved In DLC

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