Thursday, 01 April 2021 15:50

The Last Of Us VS The Last Of Us Part II: Which Game Is Better?

Written by Ritwik Mitra
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Both games in The Last of Us series have received a fair amount of praise. Here is a look at which is better, Part I or Part II.

It's hard to talk about some of the greatest games of this generation without mentioning the absolute masterpiece that is The Last Of Us. The story of Joel and Ellie is masterfully told in every way, and it was clear that such an amazing title demanded a sequel, otherwise the fans would've been sent into an uproar.

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This sequel was finally delivered by Naughty Dog this year in the form of The Last Of Us Part II, which was released to a rather mixed reception. Critics and fans have wildly different opinions on this sequel, but there's no denying the fact that The Last Of Us Part II is a technical masterpiece that has shown just what the modern age of gaming is capable of doing.

Updated by Saim Cheeda on 25th March 2021: Gamers generally need some time to accept the changes a game’s sequel brings compared to the original. Now that it’s been a substantial time since the release of The Last of Us Part II, it’s possible to gauge even more advantages the first might have on the second game and vice versa. The games’ aging has been better across the board, but one definitely trumps the other in certain areas. Due to this, it’s worth adding a few more points to understand just what makes either game higher in quality. One is bound to be surprised at just how deep both titles are in certain aspects.

15 THE LAST OF US: Horror Elements

The second game focused too much on the theme of hate to make the zombies much of a threat. This meant the horror aspects were toned down in favor of the brutality of human nature. The first game was better in this regard as the zombies were made to be a force.

It also had the benefit of introducing these monsters, meaning players weren’t prepared to face them based on previous experience. The game also laid out environments where facing the hardest kinds of zombies could mean instant death, making these moments filled with tension.

14 THE LAST OF US PART II: Realistic Graphics

The passage of time obviously contributed to The Last of Us Part II being higher in terms of quality here, but the realism certainly was a thing of its own. The first game didn’t stand out among other games of its generation, which wasn’t the case with the sequel.

The Last of Us Part II is remarkable in making things out to be realistic, as character models not only look lifelike but also interact with one another this way. This is what enabled the gritty environment to come across that way.

13 THE LAST OF US: Soundtrack

There’s a terrible beauty in exploring the world in the first The Last of Us, as the music that accompanies these moments truly sets the stage for heartstrings to be pulled. The second game had flashes of brilliance in this area but not the seamless nature of the first.

The original game didn’t take the soundtrack to high-octane levels, instead focusing on the dystopian world and how being in such a place would sound. Of course, the melancholic sequences have the right track playing in the background to capture the right emotional gut punch.

12 THE LAST OF US PART II: Better Villain

There was no one villain in The Last of Us, with several characters appearing infrequently to antagonize the characters. However, the second game had the theme of hate down so well that the lines between who the villain is supposed to become blurred.

Both Ellie and Abby can be considered the antagonist if viewed from each other’s point of view. This makes the villain aspect twofold for the game since there’s no real hero and only the choice of the player over who they want to favor.

11 THE LAST OF US: Originality

The concept of the series was presented in the first game, and the second only built upon this. Things like the characters working together, the sequences where players have to navigate them during emotional moments, and the overall setting were introduced here.

The Last of Us Part II wouldn’t have felt as special had it been a different game, so it has the first game to thank for carrying forward this goodwill. Original aspects in gaming are what made The Last of Us stand out, and it remains this way even after the second title’s release.

10 THE LAST OF US: Perhaps The Greatest Intro In Gaming

Naughty Dog has a reputation for creating games that have come to define the console they're on, with Crash Bandicoot being a pretty notable exception. Similarly, when it comes to the PlayStation 3, one of the first games that people think about that has made this console iconic is undoubtedly The Last Of Us. However, to achieve this landmark again, Naughty Dog had to start the game off on a strong note, and they did so in spectacular fashion.

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Sarah might've only had a few minutes of screen time, but that was enough to show the loving bond between her and Joel. This made her tragic, unforeseen death all the more emotional for the player and Joel alike.

9 THE LAST OF US PART II: Pushed Modern Hardware To Its Very Limits

As was the case with the first game, The Last Of Us Part II was also released at the tail end of the PS4's lifespan. This was a calculated decision on Naughty Dog's part since it allowed them to refine the visuals to a T.

The sheer level of graphical and technical fidelity present in the game makes it abundantly clear that The Last Of Us Part II has truly made the most of the PS4's hardware to boost its aesthetics.

8 THE LAST OF US: Introduced Unique Gameplay That Still Feels Like A Naughty Dog Game

One of the biggest struggles surrounding The Last Of Us was figuring out a way to revamp the gameplay that would fall in their comfort zone, yet feel nothing like the energetic battles in the Uncharted series.

The result was a slower, yet more engaging combat system that rewarded players who took their time and analyzed the situation instead of bursting into the scene and wasting all of their firepower.

7 THE LAST OF US PART II: Refined The Gameplay

The Last Of Us Part II knew better than to fiddle around with the original game's mechanics or add some other convoluted mechanics of their own which wouldn't fit with the overall structure of the game.

The end result was a gameplay system that felt familiar, yet had been refined to such an extent that each encounter and gameplay moment just felt more satisfying. Of course, it certainly helped that the environments around which players could roam had been opened up to a substantial extent.

6 THE LAST OF US: Its Protagonist

The Last Of Us may have its critics, but there's one point that even the game's biggest critics have to acknowledge: Joel is an incredibly well-written protagonist who is a ton of fun to play as.

Even after his morally dubious actions at the end of the first game, people can't help but love Joel for being so layered and relatable.

5 THE LAST OF US PART II: The Dynamic Between Ellie And Abby

While the presence of Joel is sorely missed throughout The Last Of Us Part II, the game's bold risk to have two protagonists certainly pays off.

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Controlling both Ellie and Abby is a riot, with the subtle differences in gameplay being just enough to make both characters feel like unique individuals.

4 THE LAST OF US: Storytelling

It would be impossible to talk about The Last Of Us without mentioning the elephant in the room:  the game's story. At a time when zombies were becoming a tired trope, The Last Of Us served as a breath of fresh air for the genre, mainly due to the amazing tale it weaves.

Unlike most cliched tales that have become all too commonplace in gaming, The Last Of Us decided to explore humanity as a whole. Suffice to say, the end result pretty much speaks for it.

3 THE LAST OF US PART II: Bold Risk-Taking

Regardless of all the controversy that the game might've faced since its release, one thing holds true for The Last Of Us Part II: it took a huge risk in its narrative, a tendency that is dying out in modern video gaming, where every developer chooses to play it safe to pander to people as opposed to letting their creativity shine.

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In this environment, the risk that The Last Of Us Part II took led to the game being a hot topic of conversation in the gaming community, an instance that is quite rare.

2 THE LAST OF US: The Universal Acclaim

At the end of the day, perhaps talking about how great The Last Of Us is pretty unnecessary.

After all, one need only look at the sheer amount of praise heaped onto this title by critics and fans alike to understand that this game is truly special. This is a game everyone who enjoys gaming should take a shot at playing.

1 THE LAST OF US PART II: A Glimpse Into Gaming Evolution

While this might've already been mentioned before, attention definitely needs to be drawn towards the sheer technical mastery present in The Last Of Us Part II.

The sheer number of accessibility options present in The Last Of Us Part II is just one of the many ways in which this game is shaping the way gaming will evolve over time, while a number of its gameplay mechanics also shows how the gaming industry has evolved to the point where technical excellence has augmented these gameplay loops to a whole new level.

Next: The Last Of Us: 5 Most Effective Weapons (& 5 Least) 

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