Friday, 02 April 2021 00:28

Pokemon Masters Overrun by Villains for April Fools' Day

Written by Jason Rochlin
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Pokemon Masters EX features a one-day event around Team Break for April Fools' Day prior to its Easter celebration and new Main Story update.

DeNA's mobile game Pokemon Masters EX has thrived among its fans largely because of the way it incorporates characters from all across the popular series. This includes protagonists, figures like Gym Leaders, and villains - recently including Lysandre and Yveltal from Pokemon X and Y. However, the game has its own original cast of characters, including a villainous team which has taken over for April Fools' Day 2021.

The underlying narrative in Pokemon Masters' story revolves around Team Break attempting to stop the Pokemon Masters League hosted by Prince Lear - who created the artificial island of Pasio where the game takes place. Players who logged into the game today discovered the Pokemon Center acting as a hub area was taken over by Team Break, with members replacing trainers usually found around the area as part of the "Team Break Day" special event.

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These villainous characters don't do much in the Pokemon Center hub beyond making its hosts Trista, Trinnia, and Tricia uncomfortable. However, there is also a set of battles players can take on for "Team Break Day" that reward some gems, and according to another in-game notification this may help lead into a new Main Story chapter being added on April 7.

Once the "Team Break Day" festivities end, Pokemon Masters will host an Easter-themed event called "Pasio Eggsplorers," which will feature costumed variants of Hoenn protagonist May and Unova Gym Leader Burgh paired with Lopunny and Togepi, respectively. Though this April Fools' Day event is smaller than Pokemon Sword and Shield adding special Magikarp raids and the series' Twitter account becoming Bidoof-themed, at least it offers players extra gems following the back-to-back release of Champions Iris and Diantha in the game's gacha Sync Pair Scout.

Pokemon Masters EX is available now for Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Overwatch Characters Get Googly Eyes for April Fools' Day

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