When Half-Life: Alyx released in 2020, it set a new high bar for VR titles. With how popular the title was, Half-Life: Alyx players have been hungry for more content, which is where the modding community comes in.
The mod in question is a fan recreation of the 1998 survival-horror game Jurassic Park: Trespasser. Upon release, Jurassic Park: Trespasser did not review or sell well. as many reviewers were unimpressed with its attempt to be as realistic as possible by foregoing menus or a HUD, as well as taking control of the player character's arm to interact with and grab items in the game world. With the arm mechanics and integration of menus into the game world, it is a prime candidate to be adapted into Half-Life: Alyx.
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The mod is made by modder Stevokenevo, and the demo includes the first two levels. The levels are still in the very early stages, so any players that want to check it out should keep that in mind. There are still some placeholder graphics in place, but the main attraction of the mod, the raptors that hunt you, are in place and ready to be tested out by fans. The demo also figures a few simple box climbing puzzles that are very similar to those in the original, but they are much easier since Half-Life: Alyx lets players use both arms.

Both of the levels featured in the demo are made up of wide-open areas that are pretty cool to see in Half-Life: Alyx. There is also a good amount of survival-horror gameplay to play around with, which are made all the more suspenseful by the fact that it is all in VR. The mod is also pretty faithful to the original Trespasser, which ought to be pretty cool for any fans of the original that want to check out just what the game could have been if it was made today.
The mod looks very promising, even this early in development, and it has a lot of potential. There are a lot of cool moments from the original game that would look great in VR, and the inclusion of Half-Life: Alyx's great mechanics could make a lot of Trespasser's puzzles and mechanics a lot more engaging and less frustrating than they were in the original title. With how successfully Half-Life: Alyx sold, hopefully, the mod is able to find as big of an audience as it deserves as well.
Half-Life: Alyx is available now on PC.
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Source: Steam