Thursday, 01 April 2021 23:44

Outriders: How to Get Pre-Order Bonus (Hell's Rangers Content Pack)

Written by Anthony Puleo
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Players that preordered Outriders before its official release have access to the Hell's Rangers Content Pack, here's how to redeem it.

As an incentive for players to preorder Outriders, players can gain access to a unique set of gear and cosmetics known as the Hell's Rangers content pack. Those players that already did so and recently started playing the game may be confused about how to redeem this gear, though. It isn't automatically available to players right when they start the game, so they'll need to do a bit of legwork in order to get their hands on it. Thankfully, it doesn't take too long to be able to get the full use out of the Hell's Rangers content pack items.

Outriders officially released on April 1st, 2021, but many players have already gotten through the beginning of the game on the Outriders demo that released in February. Players that pre-ordered the game can download the Hell's Rangers content pack, but those that didn't don't have to miss out on this content forever. The Hell's Rangers content pack can be purchased from the store for $6.99.

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After obtaining the Hell's Rangers content pack (either by pre-ordering or purchasing from the store), players will need to download and install it to their system. From here, the items within cannot be redeemed until players complete the tutorial and reach Rift Town. In the same area where players can use matchmaking to find a party or change their appearance, there should be a chest that players can interact with to access their stash. The Hell's Rangers weapons and armors are contained within. Keep in mind that players will need to be level 10 in order to equip any of it, so beginners may need to keep playing first.

This content pack comes with Earthborn Renegade weapons of almost every type, as well as rare armor pieces for both male and female characters that can fill every slot. Aside from this, players also gain access to some very cool cosmetic options for their truck and banner. To use these, players will need to progress through the story until a quest takes them to The First City with Jakub. Speak to Jakub and request to "make the truck look like hell on wheels" to add these exclusive cosmetic pieces.

That's all there is to it. The Earthborn Renegade weapons and the rare armor pieces will help players get a big boost in power by the time they reach level 10, but players will likely move on to bigger and better things soon after. As cosmetic upgrades, the truck and decal options can be used for as long as players fancy them.

Outriders is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Outriders Complete Guide - Builds, Tips, Tricks, and Help

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