Friday, 02 April 2021 15:00

Destiny 2: 10 Mistakes Players Make When Using Titans | Game Rant

Written by Payton Lott
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Titans are an absolutely destructive force in Destiny 2 but it's pretty easy to make mistakes with them. Here are some that players usually make.

As the name suggests, Titans are the tank class in Destiny 2. While the best classes change from each season to the next, the Titan has always been a viable class in all modes. However, being the tank in a fireteam is a big responsibility.

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Titans need to be on the frontlines, drawing enemy gunfire and creating DPS opportunities for their teammates. Players new to the class will have a learning curve as a result. Below are the mistakes players will make when learning to use the titan.

10 Shield Placement

The most important ability for titans to utilize is the shield. Every subclass has some type of shield, and using it correctly is essential in all modes. Shields should always be used offensively, especially if they have one-way damage attributes. Titans should place the shield in common sightlines and lanes to get easy kills and identify enemy movement. Inexperienced titans will only use the shield to create cover, which is not the correct way to use the titan in Destiny 2.

9 High Jumpers

Strafe jump is a titan's best friend. Gamers should never be using high jumps in PVP or PVE. Strafe jumping will allow guardians to keep their movement speed up while being able to seek cover and relocate. Titans that are suspended in the air are the easiest targets to hit in Destiny 2. Gamers new to the titan class should practice skating techniques to make the strafe jump even more effective.

8 Slow Swappers

Titans have the ability to instantly swap between weapons while sprinting or jumping. Even with this knowledge, gamers will often swap weapons the default way. In the time it takes to cycle weapons, gamers are putting themselves at risk of being killed for about 50 milliseconds, which long enough to get melted. Titans need to practice quick swap methods to take advantage of the unique ability.

7 Syntho Spam

The Arc super can be effective, but it is a dangerous super in Destiny 2. Titans often make the mistake of syntho slamming too close to the edge of the map. What results is a wasted super and a self-inflicted death. It is probably not a bad idea to avoid using the slam at all, as it is not as powerful as it used to be in PVP.

6 Arc Mains

While Guardians can still have success using the Arc trees, it is the worst of the four options. Players will be much better off using the stasis subclass which has a shield that gamers can damage opponents through. Syntho slam is not very powerful and the Arc grenades are subpar. New players will be much better off with another subclass.

5 Charging Out Of Cover

The gunslinger subclass ability shoulder charge should never be used to exit cover. The animation will make it difficult for titans to steady their aim and fire at enemies down lanes. The ability should always be used when seeking cover, similar to the hunter movement tactic.

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Obviously, it can be used as a charge as well, but in competitive modes, it is one of the best ways for a titan to seek cover.

4 Defensive Bubble

The Titan is an offensive class, and guardians should be using the class abilities to attack enemy players. A good example is gamers that use the void bubble to hide in the back of the map. The void bubble should be used to peek and weaken enemy players. By placing the bubble next to an elevated surface, players can fire just outside of the bubble while only exposing their heads. The tactic is far more useful when titans have an offensive mindset.

3 Using Third Person

While this tip could apply to any class, it is especially applicable to the titan. Every titan has a shield, and guardians need to be exploiting third person peeking to get an advantage. Guardians that refuse to gather information while in third person are not utilizing the titans' abilities to their benefit. Players should be wary of abusing third-person tactics in competitive modes, however, as it is highly frowned upon in the top Destiny ranks.

2 Brainless Titan

Movement is the most important skill to master in Destiny 2. Every class has different methods of moving intelligently, and many players make the mistake of not studying them. The titan may be a tank, but considering how big the hitboxes are in Destiny 2, gamers will want to be as small of a target as possible. New titans will mindlessly push enemies and AI without incorporating any slides or side-to-side movement. All players need to learn advanced titan movement in Destiny 2.

1 Sniper Tank

Titans should probably not be using a sniper, and if they are, they better have the right subclass for it. Most of the titan's abilities are geared toward close-quarters combat. The shields, melees, and grenades are all point-blank abilities. While players can choose to snipe as a titan, they should probably be using a hunter instead.

NEXT: Destiny 2: 10 Must Try Hunter DPS Tips To Maximize Damage

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