Many materials in Monster Hunter Rise are easy to find if players spend just a little bit of time looking at the name. Players that are looking for a Tigrex Tail for example can probably deduce how to get it with relative ease. It isn't always this simple however. For other items such as Piercing Claws, players have to do a bit of guesswork before finding it. Many are finding themselves stumped on how to get the Massive Bone item as well, as there's no indication of where this item comes from within the game.
Monster Hunter Rise players need Massive Bones to craft or upgrade a variety of weapons and armor, so it's important to know where to get them from. In this case, the item can be obtained from Goss Harag, but not in the traditional way. This item can't be carved from the monster, meaning it will only appear as part of the quest rewards at the end of the hunt.
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When hunting Goss Harag in a low rank quest, players have about an 8% chance for it to show up in the quest rewards. There are variants of this quest in both the village quests and hub quests, so feel free to grind this together with a group of friends. For those hunters planning on doing it solo, it is best to stick to the village quest since it will be much easier to clear. Since the Goss Harag quest can be a bit of a pain, players will have to decide whether or not it is worth the time.

Most of the equipment that uses this item is high end low rank armor, so it's entirely possible to skip it altogether. Soon enough, players should enter into high rank and have the ability to craft some basic high rank armor sets, and even these should eclipse the usefulness of a nice set of low rank armor. That said, doing the earlier quests in High Rank will be very difficult without a solid set of gear, so it's really up to each player to decide for themselves.
Unfortunately, this is the only way for players to get Massive Bones, so there's no way around it but to farm Goss Harag. This may take awhile, but in the end players will be better off for it with more powerful weapons and armor. To make this process a little easier, be sure to exploit this monster's intense weakness to fire damage.
Monster Hunter Rise is available now on Switch.
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