Saturday, 03 April 2021 04:15

Mizzurna Falls Fans Release English Translation of 20-Year-Old PS1 Game

Written by Brendan Dick
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A group of three fans meticulously translate a little-known adventure game, Mizzurna Falls, into English twenty years after its release.

Mizzurna Falls is a little-known open-world adventure game that released for the original PlayStation almost 23 years ago. For the majority of its existence, it fell into obscurity, occasionally being enjoyed by a small but loyal group of fans. The problem that plagued Mizzurna Falls was the lack of an English translation, which meant that most of even the most die-hard PlayStation fanatics would never get to enjoy it. That all changed recently thanks to three fans who meticulously dedicated their time to translate the game.

Japan is a veritable treasure trove for amazing retro games that are largely missed by fans in the west. Some of these are overlooked gems that have translations, but others are left untranslated, and as such, totally lost to many gamers. The effort to fix this for Mizzurna Falls all started with YouTuber Resident Evie, who began to translate the game during their playthrough. When they paired their work with fellow translator Cirsoan and game programmer Nikita, a fully playable English ROM was born.

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Mizzurna Falls is an adventure game with a mystery at its core. When two girls go missing in the fictional town of Mizzurna Falls—a plot similar to the TV show Twin Peaks—players are put in the shoes of Matthew Williams, a local high school student, to solve the crime. The game was ahead of its time in many aspects. It features an open-world concept, sharing movement similar to Resident Evil, with a changing weather cycle, and NPCs even follow dynamic daily routines.

While the idea of going back to play a two-decade-old game might be a nonstarter for many fans, this new English translation presents a rare opportunity for retro aficionados. Hopefully, these recent translation efforts can help encourage fans to unearth more hidden gems.

The English translation of Mizzurna Falls is now available.

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