Saturday, 31 July 2021 20:39

Outriders: Every Legendary Light Machine Gun | Game Rant

Written by Hodey Johns
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A complete list of all the legendary light machine guns in Outriders.

Bulky and heavy weaponry gets a bad rap in many video games. It tends to be wildly inaccurate, hampers mobility, and doesn't complete with lighter and more accurate guns. Those who get ahold of a legendary light machine gun in Outsiders might be tempted to get rid of it for exactly these reasons, but they'd be making a huge mistake. Indelicately put, these aren't your daddy's heavy weapons.

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What makes them so different? Well, they don't slow the player down as much as others might. Additionally, the "spray and pray" tactic is alive and well, but the "pray" element is not as vital. And the damage numbers are eye-popping. Outriders is going to send the world after players who try to beat the game on the highest World Tiers. Having one of these ready to go makes the increased difficulty play right in the player's hands.

Updated on August 1st, 2021 by Hodey Johns: Outriders has undergone more changes in the first few months than many games go through during an entire lifetime. As a result, balancing has changed drastically. For those who have played the Devastator at launch, this is fantastic news. It's also great for parties that need everybody at their strongest to take down high world tiers. This list has been rearranged to reflect the current state of the game and a section has been added for each weapon about which builds would want to consider using the gun after some analysis. No weapon is truly worthless as mods can always be ripped off and placed on something else.

  • Shots do damage in a 5-meter radius around the shooter.
  • Shots inflict Bleed (8-second cooldown).

The Roaring Umbra is a fantastic weapon for when it isn't certain what the game is going to throw at you. Those who have braved the toughest World Tiers and lived to teach others about how these tiers work know too well that no fight is straightforward.

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Inflicting Bleed is great against enemies with higher health caps. The Kinetic Stomp rewards classes like the Devastator who play up close and personal. There is nothing that it does at the higher level, but that's an advantage as it can be useful in every fight that comes up.

While the Trickster might think the Roaring Umbra is a solid choice because of the melee effect, this is a bit of a misleading idea. The area of effect ability is best used for a class like the Devastator that is spending time surrounded.

Most Devastators will be using shotguns, but that Kinetic Stomp mod can easily be removed from this gun and put into the preferred device.

  • Shots do Anomaly damage to four enemies within a 3-meter radius.
  • Firepower is boosted by 30% of Anomaly Power.

The Damascus Offering is the gun for builds that don't use guns. That might seem counter-intuitive and it kind of is. But gamers who have made overpowered builds based on extreme amounts of Anomaly Power still need a weapon to use in between cooldowns and it won't get better than this beauty.

If the class is feeling a little weak compared to some of the others, this will make things right as rain. The Anomaly blades deal Anomaly Damage and the firepower of the gun itself is boosted by 30% of the shooter's Anomaly Power. This is simply as good as it gets for casters that find their shooting prowess leaves a lot to be desired.

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There are better guns to use as guns, of course, but that usually requires choosing a build that focuses on shooting exclusively. This gun removes the need to waste nodes trying to bring physical damage up by making casters instantly competent when firing away.

No need to mince words here; this is the best weapon in the game for the best Demolisher Technomancer build. Remember that Demolishers use launchers, but they need something in between volleys.

The Damascus Offering is great for Fire Storm Pyromancers, too. The mod itself is a smart grab for Reaver Tricksters as well.

  • Killing shots create a singularity. Destroying the singularity creates an explosion that damages all enemies within a 6.5-meter radius.
  • Shots inflict Slow (4-second cooldown).

There's an appropriate amount of excitement that came with the Grim Marrow before the game was even released. This is the very weapon that Square Enix commissioned Kamui Cosplay to design. And don't worry, based on the gun's impressive advantages, that won't be the last time it makes headlines.

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Many who use light machine guns need enemies to stay back and this is exactly what this weapon does. Killing shots create singularities that suck everyone in. And when in a group where killing shots aren't guaranteed, other shots inflict Slow on opponents. This keeps enemies at a safe distance for ranged classes that don't thrive when overwhelmed in combat.

Top all this off with an accuracy that makes it handle like a sniper rifle. There is a strong suspicion that this will be the gun that breaks the barrier for gamers that feel like this style of weapon is overrated in gaming.

There are two important things to consider when looking at this gun for any build. The first is that the mod only works on killing blows. The next is that it will group enemies up. So for non-DPS builds or single-target DPS builds, the Grim Marrow needs to be passed on.

But some builds can utilize this. Pestilence Technomancers can rip off the mod and put it into their assault rifle or sniper rifle of choice. And the Vanquisher Devastator might think about this too, since it will help get enemies clustered up before unleashing a flurry of skills.

  • Shots inflict Weakness.
  • Shots deal 3 seconds of damage over time to enemies (2-second cooldown).

The Reaper, mods aside, is the best light machine gun and it's hard to debate that fact by most metrics. The gun has had its accuracy and range slightly reduced when compared to the other weapons in its class, but this seems to be a matter of compensation for how overpowered it functionally is.

When factoring in a clip size that is 50% larger than any other weapon in its class and a higher firing rate to boot. These shots inflict Weakness and, incredibly, that status effect has no cooldown whatsoever, thus reducing the damage of any enemy that is hit. The Death Chains do have a cooldown of two seconds, but, somehow, the damage-over-time status lasts for three seconds, meaning this effect can also be permanently applied to enemies.

It feels like maybe there were a few typos that gave this gun too many perks. There is, of course, some wiggle room when giving an opinion on the best weapon, but this will win the popularity contest every time with the general community.

Although the best Tech Shaman build in the game uses mostly freeze debuffs, the Weakness here helps them in an entirely new way. The Reaper makes enemies do less damage, so as the game's premier healing class, they'll be delighted to realize that this decreases the damage needed to be healed to all party members.

The Tech Shaman might as well use this gun, but builds that are only eyeing the mods might be interested as well. The Warden's Death Shield shotgun could use a replacement for the secondary mod, and this will help save their own life as a tank. In fact, when accounting for the damage reduction buffs, the Weakness effect on bosses makes them virtually invincible with the right gear.

MORE: Outsiders Complete Guide - Builds, Tips, Tricks, And Help

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