Saturday, 03 April 2021 20:04

Dying Light 2 Has Random Events and Dynamic Encounters Like Red Dead Redemption 2

Written by Cameron Corliss
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Dying Light 2 will feature dynamic events in the world, similar to what fans might have experienced while playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

With few updates since the game debuted, a number of delays, and conflicting reports of a tumultuous development cycle, Dying Light 2 has been a curious case of video game development. Fans, understandably, have a lot of questions about the game, and while there's still little for them to pour over, it seems they are finally getting at least some new information on the game.

In an interview with WCCFtech, Tymon Smektała, the lead game designer on Dying Light 2confirmed a new feature coming to the game, similar to what Red Dead Redemption 2 fans may have encountered while roaming around that game's open world. This feature will be dynamic events, which should provide some additional spice to the entire experience, but especially to the open-world exploration.

RELATED: How Dying Light 2's Open World Differs from Other Games in the Genre

When asked if Dying Light 2 would feature dynamic events like in Red Dead Redemption 2, Smektała stated, "Absolutely! There are a lot of stories in Dying Light 2’s world." The developer went on to state that the team has been "holding back" the feature, which is meant to be the "icing" on the main narrative's cake. The way it's phrased, it sounds like dynamic events could be tied into the game's overarching story, rather than completely random objectives. That's just speculation, however.

What's most interesting is that the events are a recent addition to the game, according to the dev. Apparently, random encounters were only added to Dying Light 2 "roughly in the second half of last year." It's not unusual for big new features to be added to a game late in the development cycle, though it is an interesting thing to consider. Video games are notorious for coming together at the last possible second, but hopefully, the feature is compelling regardless of when it was added.

The conversation surrounding Dying Light 2 as a whole has been much less ideal, however. Allegations of a hostile work environment at developer Techland have been circulating recently, though the leadership has refuted many of them. That's done little to assuage fan concerns, which have run become more common as time presses on.

It doesn't help that there was a prolonged period of radio silence following Dying Light 2's indefinite delay. Fans are only hearing more about the project now, with the WCCFTech interview being one of – if not the – largest information dump fans have had about the project since its last gameplay demo. One can hope that all goes smoothly when the game does finally land, but that remains to be seen. For now, fans just have to wait for more information and see where that takes them.

Dying Light 2 is currently in development.

MORE: Dying Light 2 Will Not Go Next-Gen Only

Source: WCCFTech

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