Sunday, 04 April 2021 15:30

Warframe: 5 Most Complicated Warframes To Learn (& The 5 Easiest)

Written by Aden Carter
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Warframe comes with a bit of a learning curve. Some Warframes are more beginner friendly, while others take some time getting used to.

Warframe has been one of the best free-to-play games for years. One of the biggest reasons for this is the large number of characters (A.K.A. Warframes) that players can choose from. Each of these Frames has multiple ways that they can be built to wreak havoc across the galaxy. Over time, these Warframes have become more difficult to play.

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While earlier Frames can be thrown together with little knowledge of how they work, newer Frames can be extremely difficult to figure out. This is partially due to the way their abilities work together.

10 Easy: Rhino

Rhino is one of the early Warframes that players can pick up in the game by simply farming the Frame's pieces from Jackal. This boss can be found on Venus in the mission Fossa. Rhino is one of the earlier Warframes that was released but he still holds up as one of the best. Rhino is the basic tank Frame that can handle the harsh battles that others can't. His Iron Skin ability protects the player from getting damaged. His other abilities allow the player to plow through enemies and buff allies.

9 Complicated: Harrow

Harrow is one of the more difficult Warframes to get and one of the more difficult to learn. Each one of this character's pieces comes from killing void fissure enemies, completing a spy mission on Pago, and completing rotation C spy missions. His abilities are mainly focused on giving buffs to allies. This sounds easy, but it can be very hard to go from hard-hitting characters like Rhino to a character that requires the player to read ally health and shields. Knowing when to cast each of Harrow's abilities is the hardest part of learning the character.

8 Easy: Excalibur

Excalibur can be built in a few ways, but newer players have a habit of using his Exalted Blade ability. Players who want to obtain Excalibur can unlock him by farming Lech Kril on Mars. Each time the player completes the mission, they will get a random piece of Excalibur. Excalibur's abilities are pretty self-explainatory. Exalted Blade lets players run around with a glowing sword that can kill enemies quickly when built right. Slash Dash allows players to rush forward and slash through multiple foes. Radial Blind flashes a blinding light that paralyzes enemies and blinds them for a short period, and Radial Javalin throws a projectile that impales enemies to walls.

7 Complicated: Lavos

Lavos is the alchemist Warframe that commands the different elements to annihilate enemies. The only problem is that it can be a little tricky to get a hand on the different abilities as they all work together. Each ability imbues the next ability with an element type.

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This type of ability chaining is something that newer players could have a problem with because the starting characters don't require it. Most of the starting characters have standalone abilities that can be used more than others.

6 Easy: Khora

Khora may seem difficult because she uses one of her abilities to command her pet, Venari. Despite that, this Warframe is actually easy to learn. Most of the time players can just ignore Venari as she will attack enemies on sight. Using the other abilities is simple. Strangledome encases an area in a dome made of metal that traps enemies, Whipclaw hits enemies with a whip, and Ensare traps an enemy in living metal. All of these abilities are really straightforward. Khora can be obtained from completing standard Sanctuary Onslaught missions.

5 Complicated: Equinox

Equinox is hard to learn and can be annoying to obtain. The reason for this is because Equinox is two Warframes in one; the day form and the night form. All of Equinox's parts can be obtained by defeating Tyl Regor on Uranus. What makes this difficult is that each part is randomly dropped and there are eight of them to obtain. Aside from the annoyance of farming, players will need to get used to a character that has more abilities than normal. The Metamorphosis ability changes Equinox from day form to night form and vice-versa. Each form has three different abilities that the player can use as well.

4 Easy: Volt

Volt is one of the Warframes that a player can choose to start with, but he can also be obtained by buying the blueprints from a clan Dojo. Volt's abilities are simple and easy to enhance with various upgrades. Volt's Shock ability shoots out a lightning bolt that shocks enemies. His Speed ability makes him move fast. Electric Shield places a shield on the ground to block projectiles. This shield can also be picked up. Lastly, Discharge lets Volt shoot out a storm of electricity in a small area.

3 Complicated: Nidus

Nidus isn't as complicated as some Warframe, but he is a challenge for new players who switch from easier Frames. To unlock the components to build Nidus, players need to complete rotation C of the salvage mission on Oestrus, Eris.

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What makes Nidus more complicated than other Warframes is the switch in playstyle. Most Warframes use the standard energy system to use their abilities. Nidus uses energy, but he also uses mutation stacks. This can be a little confusing to players who first use this Warframe and making a build for Nidus can prove to be difficult at first.

2 Easy: Atlas

Atlas is known as the rock Warframe because he uses rocks to create rockslides, summon missions, and petrify enemies. He is a powerhouse that most new players can get used to quickly. Atlas has one of the highest armor ratings of any of the Warframes and players can easily create builds for him. Most players stick to creating a build that increases his final ability, Rumblers. This ability summons rock missions that fight alongside Atlas to take down enemies.

1 Complicated: Limbo

Creating a good Limbo can be hard. Even veteran players have admitted that Limbo is still one of the most complicated Warframes to use and he has been around since 2014. Limbo is the rift walker Warframe. This means that he can teleport enemies into another dimension and pull them back out. His final ability, Cataclysm, creates a massive area of rift energy that puts players and enemies in the rift world. Players can usually find two different Limbos, good or trolling. Troll Limbos tend to send allies into the rift so they can't do anything during a mission.

NEXT: Warframe: 10 Must Use Mods For Beginners

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