Tuesday, 26 January 2021 12:46

No Man's Sky Players Built BioShock's Rapture | Game Rant

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Players finish an underwater base in No Man's Sky based on BioShock after months of development, but people can visit only a small part of it.

One of the most engaging aspects of No Man’s Sky is its base building feature that has enabled players to build everything from mega cities to rave planets. One player has spent more than a year using the feature to create an underwater metropolis that rivals BioShock’s Rapture, and the project is finally finished.

Base building was first added to No Man’s Sky via the Foundation Update released at the end of 2016, months after the game’s disappointing launch. The Foundation update was the first of many expansions that would improve the game, making it a favorite among players today. The update allowed people to create their own base or claim abandoned bases found while exploring. Players have used the feature to create all types of fantastical structures.

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One No Man’s Sky player called Chongsparks on Twitter has spent more than a year using the base building feature to create a sprawling underwater city on one of the game’s many planets. Chongsparks calls the mega structure the “Thermal Underwater Research Development,” and said he began building the base 18 months ago without any particular plan besides wanting to build a city.

Fans can visit the base by using Chongsparks' glyph code provided on Twitter. However, they will only be able to visit a small portion of the base because of tricks Chongsparks used to build past No Man’s Sky’s object limit.

No Man’s Sky places limits on the amount of objects players can use to create a base by assigning point values to different build items based on their complexity. The limit is capped at 3,000 points for public spaces, but No Man’s Sky players use a number of tricks and work-arounds to build beyond this limit. Chongsaprks used one of these exploits to build his underwater factory city.

Base building is just one of the several features that have been added to No Man’s Sky via updates since the game released. The game has received several updates within the past year, including the Origins Update that dramatically expanded No Man’s Sky’s universe. There was also a horror-themed update that added ghost ships a next gen update that enhances the game for the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X/S. No Man’s Sky is not that same game that is it was upon release, and will likely only continue to evolve in the coming year.

No Man's Sky is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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